Forum Post: RE: Mixed projects in OpenEdge Studio and svn

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Peter, In your situation, I would ideally have my common code in another project & import it as a dependency. If I had to have the common code in one of my projects for some reason, I would do this as follows (note that all our class packages begin with our company name to keep the namespaces tidy if we ever use 3rd party code) : / |- bin/ |- src/ | |- myLegacyProcedure.p | |- mycompanyname/ | |- myprojectname/ | |- mymodulename/ | |- MyClass.cls |- src-common/ |- mycompanyname/ |- common/ |- MyCommonClass.cls This layout would have src and src-common as source folders, both building to bin. The imports would be: using mycompanyname.common.*. using mycompanyname.myprojectname.mymodulename.*.

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