Forum Post: RE: Longchar data for input & output parameters in calling web service. What's...

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Hi Andrew, " wsdl:fault name='WSAppTechnicalException'.." just tell the SOAP engine to map the 'WSAppTechnicalException' to a SOAP fault message; thus, when WSAppTechnicalException exception is thrown by the application, the detail element of the soap fault will contains the WSAppTechnicalException element as defined in the schema( this must be one the schema which is included with the WSDL file -WSCommonTypes10.xsd or WSAccountBaseInfoInOutParms10.xs). Looking at the SOAPUI response, it seems that this is the valid SOAP fault and ABL should be able to process the SOAP-FAULT-DETAIL object. What version of Open Edge are you running your ABL SOAP client? It is also possible that this is an old bug ( I can verify this if you pass me the missing schemas: WSCommonTypes10.xsd & WSAccountBaseInfoInOutParms10.xsd ). "I do not see the tag "FaultDetail", but only "detail".Perhaps this is why I don't get the data in SOAP-FAULT-DETAIL?" No detail is the valid element. Thanks! Heri

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