Forum Post: RE: Dynamic browse, can't add triggers

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Thanks. No... the anywhere was added by something I read in the help file, as I thought that the event was been caught by the row, and not by the browse itself. here´s the program. &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _VERSION-NUMBER AB_v10r12 GUI &ANALYZE-RESUME &Scoped-define WINDOW-NAME c-Win &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CUSTOM _DEFINITIONS c-Win /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ File: Description: Input Parameters: none Output Parameters: none Author: Created: ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This .W file was created with the Progress AppBuilder. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Create an unnamed pool to store all the widgets created by this procedure. This is a good default which assures that this procedure's triggers and internal procedures will execute in this procedure's storage, and that proper cleanup will occur on deletion of the procedure. */ CREATE WIDGET-POOL. /* *************************** Definitions ************************** */ /* Parameters Definitions --- */ /* Local Variable Definitions --- */ DEFINE TEMP-TABLE ttResVent FIELD Sucursal AS INTEGER FIELD Fecha AS DATE FIELD Tickets AS INTEGER FIELD Cancelados AS INTEGER FIELD KilosMenudeo AS INTEGER FIELD kilosMayoreo AS INTEGER. DEFINE VARIABLE hBrowse AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hQuery AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hBuffer AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. CREATE BUFFER hBuffer FOR TABLE "ttResVent". DEFINE VARIABLE contadorCancelados AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE ContadorTickets AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE sumaKilosMenudeo AS DECIMAL NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE sumaKilosMayoreo AS DECIMAL NO-UNDO. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-PREPROCESSOR-BLOCK /* ******************** Preprocessor Definitions ******************** */ &Scoped-define PROCEDURE-TYPE Window &Scoped-define DB-AWARE no /* Name of designated FRAME-NAME and/or first browse and/or first query */ &Scoped-define FRAME-NAME DEFAULT-FRAME /* Standard List Definitions */ &Scoped-Define ENABLED-OBJECTS fSucursal fNombreSucursal fDesde fHasta ~ bConsultar &Scoped-Define DISPLAYED-OBJECTS fSucursal fNombreSucursal fDesde fHasta /* Custom List Definitions */ /* List-1,List-2,List-3,List-4,List-5,List-6 */ /* _UIB-PREPROCESSOR-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME /* *********************** Control Definitions ********************** */ /* Define the widget handle for the window */ DEFINE VAR c-Win AS WIDGET-HANDLE NO-UNDO. /* Definitions of the field level widgets */ DEFINE BUTTON bConsultar LABEL "Consultar" SIZE 15 BY 1.14. DEFINE VARIABLE fDesde AS DATE FORMAT "99/99/99":U LABEL "Desde" VIEW-AS FILL-IN SIZE 14 BY 1 NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE fHasta AS DATE FORMAT "99/99/99":U LABEL "Hasta" VIEW-AS FILL-IN SIZE 14 BY 1 NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE fNombreSucursal AS CHARACTER FORMAT "X(256)":U VIEW-AS FILL-IN SIZE 42 BY 1 NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE fSucursal AS INTEGER FORMAT "- , , 9":U INITIAL 0 LABEL "Sucursal" VIEW-AS FILL-IN SIZE 14 BY 1 NO-UNDO. /* ************************ Frame Definitions *********************** */ DEFINE FRAME DEFAULT-FRAME fSucursal AT ROW 1.71 COL 24 COLON-ALIGNED WIDGET-ID 10 fNombreSucursal AT ROW 1.71 COL 38.8 COLON-ALIGNED NO-LABEL WIDGET-ID 12 NO-TAB-STOP fDesde AT ROW 2.95 COL 24 COLON-ALIGNED WIDGET-ID 2 fHasta AT ROW 4.19 COL 24 COLON-ALIGNED WIDGET-ID 4 bConsultar AT ROW 4.33 COL 45 WIDGET-ID 6 "sVen06001" VIEW-AS TEXT SIZE 15 BY .62 AT ROW 34.1 COL 2 WIDGET-ID 8 FONT 20 WITH 1 DOWN NO-BOX KEEP-TAB-ORDER OVERLAY SIDE-LABELS NO-UNDERLINE THREE-D AT COL 1 ROW 1 SIZE 182 BY 33.95 WIDGET-ID 100. /* *********************** Procedure Settings ************************ */ &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _PROCEDURE-SETTINGS /* Settings for THIS-PROCEDURE Type: Window Allow: Basic,Browse,DB-Fields,Window,Query Other Settings: COMPILE */ &ANALYZE-RESUME _END-PROCEDURE-SETTINGS /* ************************* Create Window ************************** */ &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _CREATE-WINDOW IF SESSION:DISPLAY-TYPE = "GUI":U THEN CREATE WINDOW c-Win ASSIGN HIDDEN = YES TITLE = "Resumen de ventas" HEIGHT = 33.95 WIDTH = 182 MAX-HEIGHT = 33.95 MAX-WIDTH = 182 VIRTUAL-HEIGHT = 33.95 VIRTUAL-WIDTH = 182 RESIZE = YES SCROLL-BARS = NO STATUS-AREA = NO BGCOLOR = ? FGCOLOR = ? KEEP-FRAME-Z-ORDER = YES THREE-D = YES MESSAGE-AREA = NO SENSITIVE = YES. ELSE {&WINDOW-NAME} = CURRENT-WINDOW. /* END WINDOW DEFINITION */ &ANALYZE-RESUME /* *********** Runtime Attributes and AppBuilder Settings *********** */ &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _RUN-TIME-ATTRIBUTES /* SETTINGS FOR WINDOW c-Win VISIBLE,,RUN-PERSISTENT */ /* SETTINGS FOR FRAME DEFAULT-FRAME FRAME-NAME */ ASSIGN fNombreSucursal:READ-ONLY IN FRAME DEFAULT-FRAME = TRUE. IF SESSION:DISPLAY-TYPE = "GUI":U AND VALID-HANDLE(c-Win) THEN c-Win:HIDDEN = NO. /* _RUN-TIME-ATTRIBUTES-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME /* ************************ Control Triggers ************************ */ &Scoped-define SELF-NAME c-Win &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CONTROL c-Win c-Win ON END-ERROR OF c-Win /* Resumen de ventas */ OR ENDKEY OF {&WINDOW-NAME} ANYWHERE DO: /* This case occurs when the user presses the "Esc" key. In a persistently run window, just ignore this. If we did not, the application would exit. */ IF THIS-PROCEDURE:pERSISTENT THEN RETURN NO-APPLY. END. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CONTROL c-Win c-Win ON WINDOW-CLOSE OF c-Win /* Resumen de ventas */ DO: /* This event will close the window and terminate the procedure. */ APPLY "CLOSE":U TO THIS-PROCEDURE. RETURN NO-APPLY. END. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &Scoped-define SELF-NAME bConsultar &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CONTROL bConsultar c-Win ON CHOOSE OF bConsultar IN FRAME DEFAULT-FRAME /* Consultar */ DO: ASSIGN FRAME {&FRAME-NAME} fDesde fHasta fSucursal. {procs\inc\wait.i} EMPTY TEMP-TABLE ttResVent. FOR EACH dwTicket WHERE dwTicket.fecha = fDesde AND dwTicket.Fecha = fHasta AND (dwTicket.Sucursal = fSucursal OR fSucursal = 0) GROUP BY dwTicket.Sucursal BY dwTicket.Fecha: IF FIRST-OF(dwTicket.Fecha) THEN DO: ASSIGN contadorCancelados = 0 sumaKilosMenudeo = 0 sumaKilosMayoreo = 0 ContadorTickets = 0. END. IF dwTicket.StatusDoc = "C" THEN ASSIGN contadorCancelados = contadorCancelados + 1. ELSE DO: ASSIGN COntadorTickets = ContadorTickets + 1. FOR EACH dwTicketD OF dwTicket NO-LOCK: IF dwTicketD.Control# = 0 THEN ASSIGN sumaKilosMenudeo = sumaKilosMenudeo + dwTicketD.Cantidad. ELSE ASSIGN sumaKilosMayoreo = sumaKilosMayoreo + dwTicketD.Cantidad. END. IF LAST-OF(dwTicket.Fecha) THEN DO: CREATE ttResVent. ASSIGN ttResVent.Sucursal = dwTicket.Sucursal ttResVent.Fecha = dwTicket.fecha ttResVent.Tickets = ContadorTickets ttResVent.Cancelados = contadorCancelados ttResVent.KilosMenudeo = sumaKilosMenudeo ttResVent.kilosMayoreo = sumaKilosMayoreo. END. END. END. hQuery:QUERY-PREPARE("FOR EACH ttResVent"). hQuery:QUERY-OPEN. END. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &Scoped-define SELF-NAME fSucursal &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CONTROL fSucursal c-Win ON LEAVE OF fSucursal IN FRAME DEFAULT-FRAME /* Sucursal */ DO: ASSIGN FRAME {&FRAME-NAME} {&SELF-NAME}. IF {&SELF-NAME} = 0 THEN DO: DISPLAY "Todas" @ fNombreSucursal WITH FRAME {&FRAME-NAME}. END. ELSE DO: FIND Sucursal NO-LOCK WHERE Sucursal.Sucursal = {&SELF-NAME}. DISPLAY Sucursal.Nombre @ fNombreSucursal WITH FRAME {&FRAME-NAME}. END. END. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &UNDEFINE SELF-NAME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CUSTOM _MAIN-BLOCK c-Win /* *************************** Main Block *************************** */ /* Set CURRENT-WINDOW: this will parent dialog-boxes and frames. */ ASSIGN CURRENT-WINDOW = {&WINDOW-NAME} THIS-PROCEDURE:CURRENT-WINDOW = {&WINDOW-NAME}. /* The CLOSE event can be used from inside or outside the procedure to */ /* terminate it. */ ON CLOSE OF THIS-PROCEDURE RUN disable_UI. /* Best default for GUI applications is... */ PAUSE 0 BEFORE-HIDE. /* Now enable the interface and wait for the exit condition. */ /* (NOTE: handle ERROR and END-KEY so cleanup code will always fire. */ MAIN-BLOCK: DO ON ERROR UNDO MAIN-BLOCK, LEAVE MAIN-BLOCK ON END-KEY UNDO MAIN-BLOCK, LEAVE MAIN-BLOCK: RUN ArmaBrowse. RUN enable_UI. IF NOT THIS-PROCEDURE:pERSISTENT THEN WAIT-FOR CLOSE OF THIS-PROCEDURE. END. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME /* ********************** Internal Procedures *********************** */ &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _PROCEDURE ARmaBrowse c-Win PROCEDURE ARmaBrowse : /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CREATE QUERY hQuery. hQuery:ADD-BUFFER(hBuffer). hQuery:SET-BUFFERS(hBuffer). hQuery:QUERY-PREPARE("FOR EACH ttResVent"). hQuery:QUERY-OPEN. CREATE BROWSE hBrowse ASSIGN X = 10.29 Y = 163 WIDTH = 175 DOWN = 20.2 QUERY = hQuery FRAME = FRAME {&FRAME-NAME}:HANDLE READ-ONLY = FALSE SENSITIVE = TRUE FONT = 2 TRIGGERS: ON RETURN ANYWHERE DO: MESSAGE "return" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. END. ON DEFAULT-ACTION ANYWHERE DO: MESSAGE "Default-action" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. END. ON F5 ANYWHERE DO: MESSAGE "F5" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. END. END TRIGGERS. /* hBuffer:BUFFER-FIELD("ttResVent.Sucursal"):BUFFER-VALUE - para referenciar un campo del buffer dinamico */ hBrowse:ADD-LIKE-COLUMN("ttResVent.Fecha"). hBrowse:ADD-LIKE-COLUMN("ttResVent.Sucursal"). hBrowse:ADD-LIKE-COLUMN("ttResVent.Tickets"). hBrowse:ADD-LIKE-COLUMN("ttResVent.Cancelados"). hBrowse:ADD-LIKE-COLUMN("ttResVent.KilosMenudeo"). hBrowse:ADD-LIKE-COLUMN("ttResVent.KilosMayoreo"). ASSIGN fDesde = TODAY fHasta = TODAY. END PROCEDURE. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _PROCEDURE disable_UI c-Win _DEFAULT-DISABLE PROCEDURE disable_UI : /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: DISABLE the User Interface Parameters: none Notes: Here we clean-up the user-interface by deleting dynamic widgets we have created and/or hide frames. This procedure is usually called when we are ready to "clean-up" after running. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Delete the WINDOW we created */ IF SESSION:DISPLAY-TYPE = "GUI":U AND VALID-HANDLE(c-Win) THEN DELETE WIDGET c-Win. IF THIS-PROCEDURE:pERSISTENT THEN DELETE PROCEDURE THIS-PROCEDURE. END PROCEDURE. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _PROCEDURE enable_UI c-Win _DEFAULT-ENABLE PROCEDURE enable_UI : /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: ENABLE the User Interface Parameters: none Notes: Here we display/view/enable the widgets in the user-interface. In addition, OPEN all queries associated with each FRAME and BROWSE. These statements here are based on the "Other Settings" section of the widget Property Sheets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DISPLAY fSucursal fNombreSucursal fDesde fHasta WITH FRAME DEFAULT-FRAME IN WINDOW c-Win. ENABLE fSucursal fNombreSucursal fDesde fHasta bConsultar WITH FRAME DEFAULT-FRAME IN WINDOW c-Win. {&OPEN-BROWSERS-IN-QUERY-DEFAULT-FRAME} VIEW c-Win. END PROCEDURE. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME

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