Forum Post: Error 15247 in DB Log for certain users

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James Palmer

I'm afraid I'm not sure when this error started happening as it's been masked by log noise. Just started seeing it though for a number of users (always the same users). Server Setup: Windows 2003 Server, Progress 11.2.1 (both 32 bit) Client Setup: Windows 7, Progress 11.2 (32 bit). I've tried updating the client to 11.2.1 but to no avail. Anyone seen the error? Why can it not be formatted for certain users? We use a standard build for client machines. [2015/03/09@14:57:52.687+0000] P-7592 T-6552 I SRV 50: (742) Login usernum 1015, userid JJones client type ABL , on ENC00944 using TCP/IP IPV4 address [2015/03/09@14:57:52.687+0000] P-7592 T-6552 I SRV 50: (7129) Usr 1015 set name to JJones. [2015/03/09@14:57:52.687+0000] P-7592 T-6552 I SRV 50: (7129) Usr 1015 set name to ENC00944. [2015/03/09@14:57:52.719+0000] P-7592 T-6552 I SRV 50: (7129) Usr 1015 set name to JJones. [2015/03/09@14:57:55.601+0000] P-7592 T-6552 I SRV 50: (-----) Message number 15247 does not exist in promsgs file [2015/03/09@14:57:55.601+0000] P-7592 T-6552 I SRV 50: (14658) Previous message sent on behalf of user 1015, server pid 7592, broker pid 12456. (5512) [2015/03/09@14:57:55.632+0000] P-7592 T-6552 I SRV 50: (-----) Unable to format message number 15247 [2015/03/09@14:57:55.632+0000] P-7592 T-6552 I SRV 50: (14658) Previous message sent on behalf of user 1015, server pid 7592, broker pid 12456. (5512)

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