Can someone help with new user to webspeed?


New Member
I have recently been assigned to pretty up the presentation of a webspeed store. I looked as some of the code saw where the html was and thought it should be pretty easy to modify the .p files to include my new html template.

Whenever I modified the code and had someone else compile it the site quit working. So I started investigating. This is what I have found so far:

Site runs a transaction webserver (Apache) running webspeed 2.1 running E-Framework by ISS. There is a separate progress db server. I am not sure if the programs I am trying to modify are HTML Mapped or just 4gl markup. I think the latter since I do not see any speedscript and the web site directly accesses the .p files like they are html files.

Can someone review this code and tell me if I should be able to write simple html directly or does it need to be sent thru a compiler like Workshop? Again after I make my changes I ahve to send to someone who is compiling it somehow. Not sure how yet. They are being a little difficult about the site setup and webspeed. Probably due to lack of knowledge. Once they compile and upload to the site the site breaks. My modifications were pretty simple. I tried to add a image reference at the bottom of the file to test my syntax.
The rules I am using are all html must start with {&out} and end with a period. Also I am not quite sure when I have to use a skip. Anytime I need a double quote I must use a singlequote instead. Other than than that I cannot find the syntax rules that match what this file is doing. Documentation for 2.1 is hard to find.

Questions I have:
1. What type of code is this? I assume a 4gl type versus the HTML Mapped.
2. Where can I get reference materials that look like this. I cannot find definition for {&out} on Progoress site anywhere. Am I looking in the wrong place.
3. Based on the code how should I modify it just to add my HTML syntax.
4. Is there any online formal documentation for 2.1 or do I just try to use 3.1d?

The error messages I get are like:

*********************Error Messages from the site:
Content-Type: text/plain ** Unable to understand after -- "<". (247) ** Invalid statement. (254) ** /pt/wt/wtapp/tpt/tpthome/storefront/custom2/catdisp2.p Could not understand line 1. (198) ** Named stream WebStream must be defined before using. (593) ** /pt/wt/wtapp/tpt/tpthome/storefront/custom2/catdisp2.p Could not understand line 64. (196) ** Named stream WebStream must be defined before using. (593) ** /pt/wt/wtapp/tpt/tpthome/storefront/src/cathist1.i Could not understand line 34. (196) ** Named stream WebStream must be defined before using. (593) ** /pt/wt/wtapp/tpt/tpthome/storefront/src/cathist1.i Could not understand line 41. (196) ** Named stream WebStream must be defined before using. (593) ** /pt/wt/wtapp/tpt/tpthome/storefront/src/cathist1.i Could not understand line 53. (196) ** Named stream WebStream must be defined before using. (593) ** /pt/wt/wtapp/tpt/tpthome/storefront/src/cathist1.i Could not understand line 79. (196) ** Named stream WebStream must be defined before using. (593) ** /pt/wt/wtapp/tpt/tpthome/storefront/src/cathist1.i Could not understand line 82. (196) ** Named stream WebStream must be defined before using. (593) ** /pt/wt/wtapp/tpt/tpthome/storefront/custom2/catdisp2.p Could not understand line 71. (196) ** Named stream WebStream must be defined before using. (593) ** /pt/wt/wtapp/tpt/tpthome/storefront/custom2/catdisp2.p Could not understand line 74. (196) ** Named stream WebStream must be defined before using. (593) ** /pt/wt/wtapp/tpt/tpthome/storefront/custom2/catdisp2.p Could not understand line 123. (196)

*****************End of Error Messages.

*****************Begin .p file code for review

catdisp2.p: Display the catalog metaschema (super-categories).



09/01/98: PJG Initial coding.

ISS01 09/04/98 BH Added zoom logic to end item.

03/16/01 JCW(ISS) Add Suggested Retail Price and change the price to

discounted price



Displays the catalog metaschema hierarchy. It is called from catdisp0.p

which has already retrieved the records to display in order in the

tt-cat temporary table.



Handle error situation of bad tt-rowid.




{catdisp.i} /* Definition of stt-cat temporary table. */

{catdisp2.i} /* Function definitions. */

define variable vl-has-options as logical no-undo.

define variable vl-has-stock as logical no-undo.

define variable vi-counter as integer no-undo.

define variable vl-do-show-link as logical no-undo.

define variable vc-history as character no-undo.

/*ISS01*/ define variable vc-run-pgm as character no-undo.

define variable vc-short-link as character no-undo.

define variable vd-qty-avl as integer no-undo.

define variable vl-error as logical no-undo.

define variable vl-err-msg as character no-undo.

define variable vc-site as character no-undo.

define variable vd-list-price as decimal no-undo format "$>,>>9.99".

define variable vd-price as decimal no-undo format "$>,>>9.99".

define variable vc-price-msg as character no-undo.

define variable vc-qty-msg as character no-undo.

define variable vi-end-item-count as integer no-undo.

define variable vc-end-category as character no-undo.

define variable vc-prior-category as character no-undo.

define variable vl-is-display-only as logical no-undo.

/* define variable vc-temp-char as character no-undo. */

/*mwk*/ define variable vd-qty as decimal no-undo.

/*mwk*/ define variable vc-part as character no-undo.



/* Output a standard HTTP Header */

output-content-type (" text/html").

find pf_mstr where

pf_us_id = "WEB_STORE" and

pf_group = get-value("h_store_id") and

pf_attr = "CATALOG_BGCOLOR" no-lock no-error.

if avail pf_mstr then

vc-temp-char = pf_value.

/* this has to come from envcolorl.i */


"<html>" skip

"<body " vc-temp-char ">" skip.

{cathist1.i} /* Display catalog history */

/* Output the form tag. */

{&out} "<form action=wssod.w method=post>" skip.

/* Output the table which displays the end items and categories */

{&out} "<table border=0>" skip.


/* Display a horizontal rule to separate the history */


"<tr>" skip

"<td colspan=2>" skip

"<hr>" skip

"</td>" skip

"</tr>" skip.



for each stt-cat exclusive-lock:

accumulate 1 (count).

find catd_det where

rowid(catd_det) eq tt-rowid

no-lock no-error.

/* Need logic for when not available */

vl-do-show-link =

get-value("h_text_only") eq "No" and

catd_short_link <> "".

/* in a search? show the pictures */

if substr(entry(1,vc-history),1,14) eq "Search results"

/*cGetSessValue("h_keywords") ne "" and

cGetSessValue("h_keywords") ne ? */ and

catd_short_link <> ""


vl-do-show-link = yes.

vl-is-display-only = can-do(catd_flags,"display-only":U).

vc-short-link = if catd_short_link = ""





/* Categories */

if not lIsEndItem(tt-rowid) then


/* This is a category and cannot be purchased. */

{&out} "<tr>"

"<td colspan=2 >"

"<font face=arial size=3><b>".

/* Generate a "zoom" tag. */


"<a href='"



string(get-value("h_text_only") eq "Yes"

and (cGetSessValue("h_keywords") eq "" or

cGetSessValue("h_keywords") eq ?))

"~&h_cat=" url-encode(catd_end_item,'query')




integer(get-value('h_current_level')) + 1)

"~&h_token=" url-encode(get-value("h_token"),'query')

"&h_lang=" get-value("h_lang")



"' target=f_cat_detail>" skip.

if vl-do-show-link



"<img border=0 " skip

" src=" vc-short-link skip

" alt='" catd_short_desc "'>" skip

"<font face=arial size=1>"

"Click on image for more details"

"</font></font>" skip.



catd_short_desc skip.

/* Close the link, the cell and the row. */


"</a>" skip

"</td>" skip

"</tr>" skip.

/* Display a horizontal rule */


"<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>" skip.

end. /* Category */





Here we are displaying the end item and an action bar

to allow the user to buy this item.


/* Show the short picture with zoom capability */

/* Start the row and the image cell */

{&out} "<tr>" skip.

if vl-is-display-only then

{&out} "<td colspan=2 align=center>" skip.


{&out} "<td rowspan=2 align=center>" skip.


If this is an end-item and it flag is not "display-only"

then generate a "zoom" tag.


if not vl-is-display-only then


/* Add to the end item count */

vi-end-item-count = vi-end-item-count + 1.


"<a href=catdisp4.p"


string(get-value("h_text_only") eq "Yes"

and (cGetSessValue("h_keywords") eq "" or

cGetSessValue("h_keywords") eq ?))

"~&h_cat=" url-encode(catd_end_item,'query')




integer(get-value('h_current_level')) + 1)

"~&h_token=" url-encode(get-value("h_token"),'query')

"&h_lang=" get-value("h_lang")



" target=f_cat_detail>" skip.

/* Show the description or the image */

if vl-do-show-link



"<img border=0 " skip

" src=" vc-short-link skip

" alt='" catd_short_desc "'></a><br>" skip

"<font face=arial size=1>"

"Click on image for more details"

"</font></font>" skip.


{&out} "<font size=-1>" catd_short_desc "</a>" skip.

end. /* if we are not a "display-only" item. */



{&out} catd_long_desc.

end. /* we are a display-only item. */

/* End the image cell */


"</td>" skip.


Start the action bar cell with description underneath.

However, skip this for a "display-only" end item.


if not vl-is-display-only then



"<td nowrap>" skip.

/* Show the Action Bar */

/* If there are any simple options, display them now.

Set the options flag. */


/* Check the stock status if there were no options.

If there is no stock, do not allow the user to

purchase the product. */

vd-qty-avl = 0.

vl-error = no.

vl-err-msg = "".

if not vl-has-options then

/*mwk run catqty1.p

(input catd_reference, /* Part */

input-output vc-site, /* Site */

output vd-qty-avl, /* Quantity available */

output vl-error, /* Error flag */

output vl-err-msg). /* Error message */



/* Get the price and qty from Portal */

run ircatpric1.p

(input catd_reference, /* Part */

output vd-price, /* Item price */

output vd-qty, /* Qty */

output vc-part, /* Part */

output vl-error, /* Error flag */

output vl-err-msg). /* Error message */


vd-price = decimal(entry(4,catd_reference,":")) no-error.

vd-qty = decimal(entry(5,catd_reference,":")) no-error.

if num-entries(catd_reference,":") >= 6 then

vd-list-price = decimal(entry(6,catd_reference,":")) no-error.

else vd-list-price = 0.

/*(xxx)*/ if can-find(first pf_mstr where

pf_us_id = "WEB_STORE" and

pf_group = "CATALOG_OPTIONS" and

pf_attr = "ALLOW_OVER_STOCK" and

pf_value = "YES") OR

/*mwk vd-qty-avl > 0 or vl-has-stock */

vd-qty > 0 or vl-has-stock



/* Display the quantity. */


"<font color=#000099><b>Quantity:</b></font>" skip

"<input type=text " skip

" name=h_wssod_qty" vi-end-item-count skip

" maxlength=6 " skip

" align=bottom " skip

" size=6>" skip.

/* Display the "add to cart" button. */


"<input type=image " skip

" name=b_add_to_cart " skip

" alt='Add to Cart'" skip

" src=/tptimage/add_cart.gif " skip

" border=0" skip

" align=top>" skip.

end. /* if the qty_avail > 0 */



/* Display a message */


"<font face=arial size=2><b>"

"This item is currently out of stock."

"</b></font>" skip.

/* Display the fill-in as a hidden field. */


"<input type=hidden " skip

" name=h_wssod_qty" vi-end-item-count ">" skip.

end. /* If the item is out of stock. */

/* End the action bar cell and the row holding it. */


"</td>" skip

"</tr>" skip.

/* Show the short description and item number */


"<tr>" skip

"<td valign=top>" skip

"<font size=-1>" skip

catd_short_desc skip

"<br>" skip

"<b><font color=#000099>Item Number:</b></font>" skip

catd_end_item skip

"<br>" skip.

/*(001)*/ /* For option items, display a table with the options

prices and the stock status. */


/* Show the stock status */

/*mwk run catqty1.p

(input catd_reference, /* Part */

input-output vc-site, /* Site */

output vd-qty-avl, /* Quantity available */

output vl-error, /* Error flag */

output vl-err-msg). /* Error message */

if vl-error then

vc-qty-msg = "N/A".


vc-qty-msg = string(vd-qty-avl).


if vl-error then

vc-qty-msg = "N/A".


vc-qty-msg = string(vd-qty).

/*(xxx)*/ if can-find(first pf_mstr where

pf_us_id = "WEB_STORE" and

pf_group = "CATALOG_OPTIONS" and

pf_attr = "SHOW_STOCK_QTY" and

pf_value = "YES") AND

vc-qty-msg ne "N/A" then

/*(xxx)*/ do:


"<b><font color=#000099>"

"Quantity in stock:"

"</b></font>" skip

vc-qty-msg skip

"<br>" skip.

/*(xxx)*/ end. /* if vc-qty-msg ne "N/A" */


/* Get the price */

run catpric1.p

(input catd_reference, /* Part */

output vd-price, /* Item price */

output vl-error, /* Error flag */

output vl-err-msg). /* Error message */


/* JCW */

if vl-error then

vc-price-msg = "N/A".

else vc-price-msg = string(vd-list-price,"$>>,>>9.99").

if vc-price-msg ne "N/A" then


"<b><font color=#000099>Suggested Retail Price:"

"</font></b>" skip

vc-price-msg "<br>" skip.

if vl-error then

vc-price-msg = "N/A".


vc-price-msg = string(vd-price,"$>>,>>9.99").

if vc-price-msg ne "N/A" then


"<b><font color=#000099>Your Discounted Price:</b></font>" skip

vc-price-msg skip

"<br>" skip

"</td>" skip

"</tr>" skip.

end. /* if we are supposed to show the detailed information.*/

/* Display a Horizontal Rule */


"<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>" skip.

/* Display the required form elements when not

display only. */

if not vl-is-display-only



"<input type=hidden "

" name=h_wssod_end_item" vi-end-item-count

/*(pxg)*/ " value=""" catd_end_item """>" skip.

/* /*(pxg)*/ " value='" url-encode(catd_end_item,"query") "'>" skip.


end. /* END-ITEM-BLOCK */

delete stt-cat.

end. /* for each stt-cat (CAT-LOOP) */

if (accum count (1)) eq 0 then


{&out} "There are no more sub-categories or end items "

"to display." skip.


/* Close the body and html */


"</table>" skip

"<input type=hidden name=h_count value="

vi-end-item-count ">" skip

"<!-- Standard fields -->" skip

"<input type=hidden name=m-token value="

get-value("h_token") ">" skip

"<input type=hidden name=h_token value="

get-value("h_token") ">" skip

"<input type=hidden name=h_form value='catalog'>" skip

"<input type=hidden name=h_end_category value=" vc-end-category

">" skip.

/* Close the form */

{&out} "</form>" skip.

{cathist1.i} /* Display catalog history */


"<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='722'>" skip

"<tr>" skip

"<td valign='top' width='58' height='20'><img" skip


"width='58' height='1'></td>" skip

"<td valign='top' width='469'><img" skip


"width='469' height='1'></td>" skip

"<td valign='top' width='195'><img" skip

"src='/sykes/assets/images/auto_generated_images/clearpixel.gif'" skip

"width='195' height='1'></td>" skip



"<td valign='top'></td>" skip

"<td valign='top' width='469'><p align='center'><font" skip

"size='1' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>If you have" skip

"questions or comments about this site please contact the" skip

"webmaster. Copyright ) 2000 Ingersoll-Rand Company, All" skip

"rights reserved.</font></p>" skip

"<p align='left'><font size='1'" skip

"face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><img" skip

"src='/irpeg/footer.gif'>Ingersoll-Rand Company/Tool and" skip

"Hoist <br>" skip

"xBusiness Development Center 1467 Route 31 South P.O. Box" skip

"970 Annandale, NJ 08801 USA</font></p>" skip

"</td>" skip

"<td valign='top'></td>" skip

"</tr>" skip

"</table>" skip

"</body>" skip

"</html>" skip.

end. /* MAIN-BLOCK */


Casper Moderator
Staff member
Hi sxgt,

I'll try to answer (some of) your quetions:
1: The code you are using is Progress. (4GL).
2: &Out is a so called preprocessor which is a predefined constant. It stands for: Output stream webstream unformatted. A stream is written to a file. In this case it's html. So everything you write after &out will be written as a line to a file. Every progress statement has to end with a period. so that's why you have to put a period at the end of each line.
3. To change only the html you only have to change everything which starts with &out. it's also posible to write multiple lines of html with 1 &out if you want a nweline you just write something like: ".... html first line... " + CHR(10) + "..... html second line... " + CHR(10) + etc......
4 try also looking at the progress library

The problem with quotes is that progress has to now where a quote starts and where it ends so if you want a " in &Out you can do 2 things:
&out ' this is a double quote: " '. or
&Out " this is a double quote: ~" ".
with the ~ you tell progress to read this caharacter explicitly as a character.

There are two ways in writing html pages with webspeed:
1 with a so called cgi-wrapper (the example you send) this is progress which streams out the html (&OUT)
2 A more elegant way: make a procedure which generates the data needed for a specific pages and run a html page from this procedure with the progress emebedded in the html page (kinda like jsp pages).

I think you may need help of a progress programmer to simplify your work. Try to make a plan of action. Your work should be altering the html pages and his/her work should be making the progress code for the proper working of the programs.

Any changes you make in the program results in compliling the programm 4 the effects of changes to take place. Unless you are using static html pages which have no progress in them.
