BREAK BY help needed

I have a table like below:

| Payments  |
|Amount     |
|CustID     |
|Country    |
|City       |
|AcctNum    |
with the following data inside:
Amount    CustID    Country   City      AcctNum
-120      001       GER       MUN       67241
-120      001       GER       MUN       67256
-15       001       RUS       MOS       67123
-80       001       RUS       MOS       67134
75        001       RUS       MOS       67134
Now I would like to create BREAK BY Amount, CustID, Country, City and AcctNum but I have some conditions:
1. AcctNum - take under consideration only 3 first digits [so 67241 and 67256 will be in same 'BREAK BY' section]
2. Amount - 'BREAK BY' for Amount LT 0 and Amount GT 0 [so -120, -15 -80 will be in one 'BREAK BY' and 115, 74 will in antoher]

It should be 'BREAKED BY' into 'groups' like in BREAK BY column
Amount    CustID    Country   City      AcctNum | BREAK BY | 
-120      001       GER       MUN       67241   | 1        | 
-120      001       GER       MUN       67256   | 1        |
-15       001       RUS       MOS       67123   | 2        |
-80       001       RUS       MOS       67134   | 2        |
75        001       RUS       MOS       67134   | 3        |
So the output should give me 3 lines:
Number CustID   Country   City   AcctNum   Amount
1      001      GER       MUN    672       -240 [-120 + -120]
2      001      RUS       MOS    671       -95  [-15 + -80  ]
3      001      RUS       MOS    671       75  [75]
How can I achieve this in 4GL FOR EACH statement?
you are tring to solve nonrelation db query under sql.
Add new field actnum which contains first 3 digits to table or copy to temptable all records with new collumn accnum.
Then try break by w/o any condition