Ascii Extract

Cliff Skinner

New Member
I am a newbie with the Progress DB's..

I would really appreciate any help or direction on how I can extract a Progress DB to ASCII, below is a little background on what I would like and what I am working with.
  • I can extract the data as Binary (maybe I am missing how this is done as ASCII)
  • Progress DB Version 9.1e
  • Extract data into a simple text, just as the natural Progress data text is exported
  • Its a one time event
  • Extract all tables that has data
  • DB size is 300 MB's
  • Current Licenses is not a developers I feel its only run time type licenses
  • Service Shop its an Automotive garage type of software that stores the data in this Progress DB
  • OS is Windows 7
Glad you managed to work out how to post, Cliff.

The tool you're looking for is Data Administration. You should have a link to it in Tools. From there you can dump your table contents to .d via an ASCII dump.

I'm guessing from the one time nature that you're wanting to migrate it away from Progress?
Hi Cringer, thank you very much. Yes I was able to get it posted with your help. Thank you very much. So this Data Admin is available even if you do not have the Progress Developers License?
Yes you should still be able to dump the data. You may have to start the session with the -rx parameter though. Give it a try. I could be wrong. It's been a long time.

How sensitive is the data? With it being only a small database someone may be willing to assist. I would offer, but I'm moving house so don't have time!
We are seeing that the Tool link is grayed out.. Is there any help still or can we convert the data from Binary to Ascii?
The file is not sensitive at all and is only about 300MBs.. I can try the -rx parameter.. If that does not work maybe someone here at PT can help me
Hi CJ, thank you very much. Can this be done without a developers license? If could you please give me a little more information on how this is done?
Hi CJ, I may have found it below. But do you feel this will work with out a Developers License? If so I will try it out. thank you again.

The steps involved in dumping and loading both the schema and data of the Progress SQL-92 tables:

1. Use the SQLSCHEMA Utility to dump the schema of SQL-92 tables and/or SQL-92 Views from the source database. For example:
sqlschema -o myOutputFile -t %.% -u <username> -a <password> progress:T:<hostname>:<port number>:sports2000

2. Use the SQLDUMP Utility to dump the data from of SQL-92 tables from the source database. For example:
sqldump -t %.% -u <username> -a <password>progress:T:<hostname>:<port number>:sports2000

3. Use the SQL Explorer Tool to load the schema of SQL-92 tables from file(s) created using the SQLSCHEMA Utility into the destination database. For example:
sqlexp -user <username> -password <password> -db sports2000 -H <hostname> -S <port number> -infile myOutputFile.dfsql

4. Use the SQLLOAD Utility to load the data of SQL-92 tables from files created using the SQLDUMP Utility into the destination database. For example:
sqlload -t <SCHEMA NAME>.MYTABLE -u <username> -a <password> progress:T:<hostname>:<port number>:sports2000
That will work regardless of license type. If I have understood your need correctly step 2 is the only part you need.

If SQL-92 access is already setup on your db it should be fairly painless. Just fire up sqlexp with the proper credentials and you're off to the races!

If SQL has not been setup it is not so much fun.

Did -rx do anything for you?
How are you getting access to the tools? Whatever way you launch your Progress session, create a copy of the shortcut and add -rx after the command line.
When you start a session you either have a command line or you are clicking on an icon somewhere. Since you are running Windows I'll guess that there is an icon that you generally use. The "properties" for that icon probably have some gunk that looks something like:

C:\Progress\bin\prowin32.exe ...

The suggestion is to add " -rx " (with spaces, but no quotes) as a parameter after prowin32.exe. This will start the session in a mode that allows certain administrative utilities to be run even though you do not have a development license. Offhand I do not recall if the data dump routine is one of those utilities. It might be. If it is you are all set. If not, you have ruled out a possibility.

An alternative which will accomplish the same thing is to open a proenv window. (You will also likely need to do this to run sqlexp if things get to that point.)

This next part may seem stupid -- but it is actually important. Since this is version 9 -- the first thing you should do is to resize the proenv window. Click the Progress icon in the upper left of the window, select "properties", select "layout" and then change the height and width in "Screen Buffer Size" and "Window Size" to something reasonable (I like 132 columns by 48 lines). The default of 300 lines will lead you to believe that certain things are not working correctly because the dialogs will be off the screen... FWIW I would also change the font. Lucida 14 is usually available and looks a lot nicer than the default.

The command line prompt will be "proenv>". This window is very useful. It has the Progress environment all setup and ready for you. To launch a session directly into "data administration" just type:

mpro c:\path\dbname -rx -p dict.p

(use "mpro" if the db is up and running in multiuser mode, use plain old "pro" if it is in single user mode.)

Use the arrow keys to move around.

If data admin doesn't let you dump exit the data admin menus and get back to the proenv> prompt. Follow your sqldump instructions above. If sql-92 access has been setup you should be all set.