Add new objects online


Hi all,

I'm a little late to the party, hoping to use the 'add new objects online' option for the first time today to load a DF into an active production system. It's a v11.6 database, with AI running. The DF is just for a new table and its index, with no references to anything else. From what I read in the PKB and online doco, it doesn't seem like there are any gotchas to worry about - I understand that users won't see the new table straight away because they have a schema cache - and that's fine. The table won't be used for days/weeks.

I'm treading cautiously, not least because our main guy is on annual leave. It should be painless, right?


Cringer Moderator
Staff member
It should be painless but be aware the indexes will be added inactive and will need building/activating to be able to use them. I believe that as this is a new table, and therefore no active index to help with the activate, you will need to do this part offline, but I'm a bit sketchy on those details as I've not actually done that. :)


Active Member
As Cringer posts, it should be painless, and if the index is for a new table that is being added then it can be active in the DF, and can all be applied online when you select the 'add new objects online' option.


You should ensure that your database has been started with a non-zero value for -usernotifytime. This controls how frequently clients will check for schema updates. If the value is zero and a client is just sitting around doing nothing with the database (maybe the user went home for the weekend without logging out...) it will never check and the and the online update will pause.

I like to use 10 seconds as the value but some people prefer longer intervals.