
  1. P

    linux PAS server doesn't authenticate user against active directory. Whereas Windows PAS server with the same settings does

    On both systems openedge 11.7 is used. If we look at the PAS version for windows we have psc.as.version=2.1.0, and for linux we have psc.as.version=2.1.5. The client app is also using 11.7. Both servers are in the same LAN network. Settings: *http.all.authmanager=ad client.login.model=basic...
  2. R

    Openedge 11.7 returns different result for COUNT(DISTINCT <ColumnName>) when compared to Oracle/MSSQL

    Hi everyone, I am facing a problem that has left me a little stumped. Any help or insight will be very helpful. A table called Staples in TestV1 schema was loaded in Oracle, MSSQL and Openedge. There is a customer bug stating that a SQL query to extract a table's data in Openedge 11.1 is...