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  1. M

    frame issue erase line before print

    Hi, I'm using a third party software to redirect the progress report output to a PDF file. The PDF software has a background feature so i can put an image and then the report over the image. This feature works fine when i use the software with others aplications like word, etc. In Progress...
  2. M

    how to display special characters

    SESSION:CPSTREAM = "ibm850" is only readable. I use it i the start parameter.
  3. M

    how to display special characters

    I'm working in windows environment, i don't know if i have to configure the terminal or not. runing with the -cpstream ibm850 the results is the same. :(
  4. M

    special characters

    Thanks for your help, i will post in i18n.
  5. M

    how to display special characters

    Hi, I want to print reports and redirect output to a file or a PDF file using special characters to draw a box, for example chr(218) for left upper corner, chr(191) right upper corner,chr(217) right lower corner, etc. ┌───┐ └───┘ I already found here that these special characters should be...
  6. M

    special characters

    When i run the following: Display chr(192), Progress show this character: À but i want this character: └ In this site I read than the ibm850 codepage already has the characters that i want, if that where true i should be capable to run the next code and get wat i want without changing the...
  7. M

    special characters

    When I print forms like invoices in plain paper, i draw boxes and lines to make the invoice more readable, organized. I put the special characters in the display code and the related data will appear inside a box, for example customer name and address in inside a box, each items number and...
  8. M

    special characters

    Please tell me where i can find the information on how to change de codepage. Do you have any example?.
  9. M

    special characters

    Hi, I want to print reports and redirect output to a file or a PDF file using special characters to draw a box, for example chr(218) for left upper corner, chr(191) right upper corner,chr(217) right lower corner, etc. ┌───┐ └───┘ I already found here that these special characters should...