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  1. D

    Display @ and scroll command

    I'm starting to think that's the only way. I do find it strange though
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    Procedure segment exceeded

    It seems to me your procedure isn't too large... you're trying to update a record in your database, and the records becomes larger than 32K....
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    Automatic generation of incremental delta.df

    Hi everybody, I have a question about the Progress Data Dictionary. We use this to generate a delta.df file for updating purposes. However, this has to be done manually and I'd rather do this automatically. Does any of you know if this is possible? Greetings, Patrick de Git
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    Display @ and scroll command

    How come nobody knows the answer to this? Dan Foreman, I've heard so much about you, where are you when I need you?
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    I'm not sure if i understood correctly, but my guess is you wanted the repeat....end to keep working, even when wstate has a value 'True'? The why do keep a line in the repeat....end block that says 'IF wstate THEN LEAVE.'?
  7. D

    design time

    Well, you could make a procedure for each frame you could ever possibly be wanting to hide, make all the frames shared frames, and run the 'hidefr_##.p' program to hide the frame of your choice.... but that would be a silly thing to do... it could be done with run-time compilation and...
  8. D

    Long Shot

    If you don't want to use a UNIX file to redirect the output, perhaps the 'put' statement in combination with the 'control' keyword can help you out... it helped me out once when I needed to write some null string characters to a file..
  9. D

    no procedure editor

    So what statement do you use to close the app? do you use... a) nothing at all, just end the program? b) 'return' c) 'quit' as far as I know, only quit will really get you back to the command prompt in Unix, but it could of course be completely different under Windows, though I doubt it.
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    Goodbye procedure editor??

    Try the 'QUIT' statement... If you where to use it in the last line of your .w code, i assume this would automatically stop the session, and return to the command prompt/windows
  11. D

    Problems with importing from CSV

    This could have something to do with the European/American numeric format. (session:numeric-format)
  12. D

    Display @ and scroll command

    Hello everyone, I've got a problem on Progress v9.1A on a SCO Unix system. I've got a down frame with an decimal variable (price for item) in it. When the price is unknown, I'm using the following code to signal the user: display '*E*' @ v_price this works just fine, but as soon...
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    SYSTEM ERROR: Memory violation. (49)

    The 'do while true' only prevents you from having to type in the code twice... after the second time you've cancelled the prompt-for, a system error will occur, so it could also be reproduced without the 'do while true' loop; just type the code within that block again...
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    SYSTEM ERROR: Memory violation. (49)

    It's Version 9.1A Chui, on a SCO Unix system...
  15. D

    SYSTEM ERROR: Memory violation. (49)

    I've got a question about a system error I get when using editor widgets on V9, CHui interface... Here's an example: define work-table w_table field w_fill1 as character field w_fill2...