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  1. B

    Loading .df files from a procedure.

    Hi there! I'd like to load previoudly dumped .df and .d files. How can I do that ????? 10x Bubu
  2. B

    Procontrol problem.

    Hi there! How can I add a new db to the procontrol without using the GUI. I suppose procontrol gets the informations from an .ini file or the registry. I need to add a new db from a setup file. 10x Bubu
  3. B

    ShowCFG parameters

    Hi there! I have a question: How can I export current progress configuratios into a .txt file with the help of showcfg.exe 10x. Bubu
  4. B

    Progress Silent Install

    I want to install Progress from a batch file, so that the user only runes this file and dont have to ad no paramerers in the fill in windows. I want to give this parameters like include parameters to the setup.exe. Is there a way to do this??? If so then pls help me! Thanx Bubu
  5. B

    -param PROBLEMS

    Hi there! I hav a problem with -param , posting a parameter to a file. :confused: I have ver. 9.1c . I run from a command line the line : prowin32.exe -p c:\temp\12.p -param test in the 12.p ther is only : DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER cPatchID AS CHARACTER. MESSAGE cPatchID...