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  1. M

    locking problem

    I wouldn't expect a share-lock to make a difference. You'll need to upgrade the share-lock to an exclusive-lock at some point. And when that happens it's going to scope the same. At the point in your code where you're having a problem, you're obviously already inside a transaction (thus the...
  2. M

    Import Data Separated With A Tilde

    I'm sure it can't be this easy, so I must be missing something. But why do you have two tildes in quotes, rather than just one? I would expect the line to be import delimiter "~" tt. not import delimiter "~~" tt. Mark
  3. M


    Since our databases are not the same, I had to modify the code some to get it to run, my modified version is below. The only 'real' change I had to do was to remove the word 'browse' from your def frame statement because that would not pass syntax here. (I'm on CHARACTER V9.1d) That aside, it...
  4. M


    Probably the browse definition, it's frame or form definition, and the open query statement. Maybe even include the first few lines of code after the open query.
  5. M

    I feel like a rookie

    An on-screen display??
  6. M

    Streamed header's

    Make sure you've specified a page-size in your output statement. A page-size of 0(zero) will not do what you want. My GUESS is that's where the problem is (as it's very subtle which can make it hard to find). Other than that, following is a bit of code that works for me. form header 'S...
  7. M

    Long Shot

    We use def stream s-out. output stream s-out through svt. disp stream s-out .... Will that work in your environment? Mark
  8. M

    How to copy record in same table?

    Frank, the buffer-copy command will do what you need. The following ought to get you going. create tmptbl. buffer-copy mytable to tmptable except field1 field2. update tmptable.field1 tmptable.field2 with some nicely defined frame. Mark.
  9. M

    Sending SMS ?

    This may not help, but I'll toss it out there anyway. For MY phone, I can receive a message if someone sends a regular email to my phone number. For instance If that would work for your phone, (and you're on a Unix system) I'd think you could use the mailx command the way...
  10. M

    Progress time question

    I must be missing something important in the question and answers going on here - so you folks forgive me if I'm way off base with my answer. But why not just use the HH:MM:SS format, that's what we do around here. For instance: def var v-test as char no-undo. v-test =...
  11. M

    How to set a (F7)Recall value

    Well, I won't go into any great detail because what works for our software won't necessarily work for yours. We use software from VanDyke Technologies called CRT, or SecureCrt, depending upon from where one is connecting to our system. This software is used by the IT folks as an Editor, and by...
  12. M

    How to set a (F7)Recall value

    We use a program that will allow the function keys and various key combinations (well, ANY key actually, but why would one want to mess with the alpha keys) to be programmed by the users to send whatever text they'd like. This text is then stored in the users local key map. Could it be that, or...
  13. M

    decimal to string

    Yep, it occurred to me in the wee hours of the morning (who knows why I was thinking about THIS at 3am) that the desired result could be accomplished by first multiplying by 100. Though I would have done it with just one variable. (Which is NOT to say that would be better, just different. I'm...
  14. M

    Find / Find First - Help!!

    Ummm.. I don't think I have THE answer - but there is a thought or two rattling in my head. 'Find first', but it's very nature, is only going to find one record. 'Find' has the potential to find more than one. But in MY world that will cause Progress to puke (technical term) because of an...
  15. M

    decimal to string

    def var v-dec as dec. v-dec = 120.25. disp string(v-dec,'99999999.99') format 'x(11)'. Should do the trick. Note that this is going to display 00000120.25 with a decimal. You can leave out the decimal in the formatting, but then it will round to 0000000120 - you're call on that one. Mark
  16. M

    Strange formatting behaviour

    Good for you for figuring that out - I'm gonna steal that! ;) It figures my answer would be too easy. I've seen some of your work around here and know that you're lightyears ahead of me. So most likely anything I'd think of you've already ruled out. Of course, that won't keep me from...
  17. M

    Strange formatting behaviour

    I've always been told that Progress will not allow us to use a variable the way you're trying to - and I've yet to be able to prove that statement wrong. The best explanation I've heard as to WHY is because of our 'friend' the frame manager. It seems that when a code FIRST runs the frame...
  18. M

    Procedure Editor

    We use a product called SecureCRT Ver 2.3.1 from VanDyke technologies. It can be configured to fill your monitor screen. I'm on a 15" flat screen monitor and have 49 rows by 132 columns. A larger screen will net more lines and columns. They also have a non-sercure product (CRT) which I believe...
  19. M

    Browse widget multiselect scrolling

    Below is something that is working for me. b-ordi is my browser. t-ordi is a temp table. both frames are defined elsewhere in the code. Basically any time the user cursors up or down I display 4 different fields in two different frames. Note, this particular browser is NOT a multiselect...
  20. M

    Radio-set in chui

    So at least you don't feel like everyone is ignoring you, I can confirm that I can't figure it out either. I was working on it this morning and tried every trick I know (yep, I used both of 'em) to get the cursor to be on the 'x' but it wouldn't play. The only thing I don't know how to try (or...