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  1. A

    Error Leaving Excel Automation

    I am using Excel "Sort Method" with excel 2000... chworksheet:range("1:30"):sort.... I always get an error message when leaving excel. If i don`t use this method i don't get the error message when leaving excel. Could anyone please help me?
  2. A

    Still can't work with "Sort Method"

    This is the code for Excel 2000: &SCOPED-DEFINE xlGues 0 &SCOPED-DEFINE xlAscending 1 &SCOPED-DEFINE xlSortValues 0 &SCOPED-DEFINE xlAscending 1 &SCOPED-DEFINE xlSortRows 2 &SCOPED-DEFINE xlPinYin 1 chWorksheet:Range("3:300"):Sort( chWorksheet:Range("G3"), /* Key1 */...
  3. A

    Excel Sort Method

    Hi all, i am using Excel 2000 and i am trying to call sort method from progress... could anyone give me an example of doing it without errors? First 3 rows of my Excel sheet are headers and my sort column will be "G". I have tried it with errors... orden =...