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  1. A

    unhandled win32 exception prowin32.exe [5808]

    This error occurs in an erp-system. What does this error code [5808] mean? Furthermore, there is no Visual Studio installed at all (maybe from .net framework?). Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger An unhandled win32 exception occurred in prowin32.exe [5808]. Just-In-Time debugging this...
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    Broker fails to find a server available for connecting

    Sometimes I get this message, if I try to connect the database. Can I reset? How must I set the count of Server and max. Clients per Server? How much server or clients are necessary per odbc/jdbc connection? Or are there any other parameters to set? Error: D:\Progress\OpenEdge\bin>sqlexp -char...
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    Connect OpenEdge 10.1B with SQL Explorer Tool

    I want to connect OpenEdge 10.1B with the SQL Explorer Tool. So I use the following link: C:\PROGRESS\OpenEdge10.1B\bin\jvmStartw.exe -f "C:\PROGRESS\OpenEdge10.1B\sqlexp.prm" Connection URL: jdbc:datadirect:openedge://localhost:15102;databaseName=pavar I can see the GUI, but when I try to...