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  1. S

    Conditional Break by with multiple field

    Hello All, I needed some help. I have a for statement with the following break by - for each xshd_det no-lock where ...... use-index xshd_shipdate, each ad_mstr no-lock where....... use-index ad_addr, each pt_mstr no-lock where..... use-index pt_part, each ih_hist no-lock...
  2. S

    Problem while passing db name as a parameter to internal procedure

    Hi All, I had a small doubt. I have a program as follows : define variable v_database as character no-undo. mainloop. repeat : run p_sample (input v_database). end. procedure p_sample: define input parameter v_database as character no-undo. for each v_database.vd_mstr no-lock...
  3. S

    Query Dynamically

    Hi, I had a query. Request someone to please help me for the same. I am trying to query a table based on values defined in another table. The scenerio is something like this - I have a table xyz where there are 3 fields - 1) fieldname 2) fieldvalue 3) field description eg lets suppose the...