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  1. R

    Duplicate RowID's in Query

    Ok, it's probably the updating of the primary key fields because on other tables we don't have this same problem. The system is one we obtained from a 3rd party and we're not able to make changes (for obvious reasons) which is why we are doing this synchronization in the first place. For the...
  2. R

    Duplicate RowID's in Query

    I'm already using X(20) for the format :)
  3. R

    Duplicate RowID's in Query

    Hi Casper, The query I'm using is a straight select from a single table. This is a rather large table, about 9 million rows and takes about 2 hrs to dump to a text file. I redid the query last night and got duplicates on about 4 rowid's. The query is a simple 'FOR EACH tableName NO-LOCK' and...
  4. R

    Duplicate RowID's in Query

    I'm exporting table rows along with their rowid for some tables that don't have primary unique keys and using that rowid as a means to do some quasi synchronization to another system. On some tables I'm getting duplicate rowid's in the export but it's from a row already exported in the same...
  5. R

    Dynamic Query w/ linked tables

    Thanks for your help. This worked out great for me. I ended up doing it the following way so I could pass in the tables dynamically. vTableNames contains the comma delimited list of tables that vQuery references. CREATE QUERY hQuery. DEF VAR iTable AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DO iTable = 1 TO...
  6. R

    Dynamic Query w/ linked tables

    Hi all, After having spent most of my career with MS products, I'm just starting along the Progress road getting my feet wet and I'm having a little trouble. I have already written a procedure that will read query information from an ini file and export said query to a delimited text file based...