Question Batch CHUI client and -debugalert

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
I am adding -debugalert to the startup params of a CHUI batch reporting client as we're trying to track down the source of an intermittent error 12371. This will give me the call stack in the client log.

I typically don't use -debugalert, except temporarily when I'm trying to investigate a specific problem. Is there any downside to just leaving this parameter in place permanently, apart from the small amount of extra logging?

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Never seen any noticeable detriment to -debugalert being always on.


There is one sort of downside that I neglected to mention... if your code generates a lot of errors and you neglect to fix them the log can become large.


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
My two cents. I have code like this scattered through my code where I know thing could go potentially wrong which are outside of my control.

    MESSAGE "DEBUG **DUCK** :" someParticuralValueIWantToSee.

If I need to turn on -debugalert on the production (or UAT) server, I know I don't have to release new code to track down the required bug. But, be careful not to have it inside of loops i.e. FOR EACH, REPEAT, DO WHILE as it could blow up your log files or on a GUI/CHUI application you could have a bombardment of messages on the screen

I can search in my AppServer/WebSpeed log files for the word DUCK. It's obscure, not offensive and unlikely to be legitimate in any application unless you have a retail POS application at a Hunting & Fishing Shop.

Also, batch to me means headless/silent no output to a screen.
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