Accessing Openedge Database with USERID only?


New Member
Hi All,

Our system prompts for user ID and password then uses those credentials to connect to the database and hence run our application.

I want to come up with a procedure of retrieving a user’s password incase he forgets. Ideally, the user should specify his user ID then I reset his password and email to him accordingly.

My understanding of Openedge Database is that I cannot access the table <_user> until I connect to the database which calls for both UserID and password.

Someone help on how to solve this.

Thanks in advance.



Cringer Moderator
Staff member
I would be devolving the process to some sort of AppServer process that is authenticated with the database. The user themselves cannot initiate the password reset as you say, but another administrative user could.

tamhas Sponsor
Note also that the password stored in the database cannot be decrypted to a plain text password. The validation is between encrypting what the user entered and what is stored. So, what you probably should do is to have a procedure which sends the user a new temporary password and, as James says, have a procedure which is authenticated to the database set the password in the database to that temporary password and then request a change on first login. You should probably also be looking in to moving to Client-Principle.