Recent content by YET71

  1. Y

    Why Is Progress Still Here?

    Completely Gui for how long? i know MANY companies that function completely and solely running CHUI. this is because of the time and costs involved in migrating their CHUI app to GUI. why fix what aint broke.
  2. Y

    clobs and blobs -- HELP

    its not retrieving the length of the blob. if someone knows how to check if there is data within a blob, that might help. i tried to do a LENGTH(STRING( ( comes back with 1). ive also tried to load the img into a memptr then into a blob.. still same response. thx for your help...
  3. Y

    Progress Programming
  4. Y

    Show the time in the users time zone?

    if your just doing a display with it, can you not use javascript to grab the system time of the local pc ? otherwise, you could prompt for a timezone, then check that against a table of zones or something to display their local time..
  5. Y

    output data to mulitple columns with speedscript

    just an idea? maybe... u will need to play with the row setting value.. its not correct. vcolumns = 4. vx = 0. vrow = 1. for each mystuff by stuff: vx = vx + 1. v if vx > vcolumns then do: assign vx = 1. assign vrow = vrow + 1. end. vnumrows = vnumrows + 1. create...
  6. Y

    web and db server location

    if i can figure out how to do it, the webserver and messenger on one box. the rest on the db server. the db server doesnt have to run a webserver.. the webserver doesnt have to run a db server. if anyones done this for linux. please let me know how :).
  7. Y

    Need to break up html file due to error 3307

    move your formatting to a cascading style sheet. (<FONT COLOR=RED> etc etc) that should free up a fair amount of space. maybe use some include files.. but id probably go for a re-write using cgi-wrappers and procedures.
  8. Y

    clobs and blobs -- HELP

    Kirmik: thanks for your help.. but ive still got a few issues.. \ my code is as follows: DEFINE VAR picFile AS c. DEFINE IMAGE chPic FILE "X:\img\yoda.gif". FORM chPic WITH FRAME oout. /* test that the Load-Image bit is correct... */ VIEW FRAME oout. chPic:LOAD-IMAGE("X:\img\yoda.gif") IN...
  9. Y

    clobs and blobs -- HELP

    Im having some dificulty figuring out how to use clobs and blobs. If someone has some examples of how to: 1) load an image into a blob using a CGI wrapper 2) load an image into a blob in gui. 3) display an image from a blob using CGI wrapper 4) display an image from a blob in gui. 5) Load...
  10. Y

    deleting session cookie in speedscript

    as long as its set before the : output-content-type ("text/html":U).it should be fine. use: delete-cookie(cookie-name,path,domain). this sets the cookie expiry date to the past.. 1991 or something from memory.