Recent content by tfriedel

  1. T

    JDBC/JSP Error: [JDBC Progress Driver]:Server not reachable or possible RPC error

    Inside my Java/JSP code (binaries which I can run fine from the command line), I always get [JDBC Progress Driver]:Server not reachable or possible RPC error at the first executeQuery() call. I believe my classpath is set correctly (before it was set correctly I would get 'no suitable...
  2. T

    text indexing system

    Thank you for the reply Can I create such a "word index" with SQL-92 ? I did not see any such syntax in the SQL-92 manual. When I did a search with "CONTAINS" on a regular table and field, I get [JDBC Progress Driver]:Index on long fields requires that it can push down only CONTAINS...
  3. T

    AUTO_INCREMENT (or equiv trigger?)

    This is what I came up with. Is there really no other way to have the database generate a key on INSERT than writing a Java trigger ? My next issue is that I am getting frequent RPC errors itermittently with sqlexp and always inside JSP's. I probably should start a new thread. tom...
  4. T

    text indexing system

    I am moving a SQL application (currently in Mysql) to Progress SQL. I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations on how I would create a text indexing system like FULLTEXT in mysql, or systems that come built in with other SQL implemtations. A text indexing system allows quickly searching...
  5. T

    AUTO_INCREMENT (or equiv trigger?)

    I have an application that relies heavily on AUTO_INCREMENT (I believe also called AUTONUMBER) data types. With these, Inserting NULL into a table causes this field to increment to the max available for that field. I need to move this to Progress SQL-92. Is such a datatype available. If no...