Recent content by tale103108

  1. T

    JDBC drivers for Progress -- not working...

    Using Progress 10.1B JDBC drivers: URL: "jdbc:datadirect:openedge://;databaseName=myDatabase;schema=mySchema" Driver JAR: openedge.jar Driver Class: "com.ddtek.jdbc.openedge.OpenEdgeDriver" With Java application, get the following error stack trace...
  2. T

    Select element from Progress array column

    Can anyone provide an example on how to filter on a array column in SQL? for example: select "employee" from "employee" where "age[2]" > 40; "age" would be an array column in the table "employee" and I wish to look at the third element. Of course this SQL does not work but you get the idea...
  3. T

    Tuning Progress SQL

    Can someone point me in the direction of documentation on tuning Progress SQL statements? I have a slow running query. Cheers! :cool:
  4. T

    SQL to get Progress database version

    Results from the SQL you sent.... =========================== _Grantee _Dbaacc _Resacc ----------- ---------- ---------- root y y skyusiuser y sysprog y SYSPROGRESS y y...
  5. T

    SQL to get Progress database version

    Hi Rob, To answer your first question, 'Yes' I have limited access from the client only. The database is remote (hosted). Also, when I run the following SQL I get privileges error: select "_dbstatus-dbvers" ,"_dbstatus-dbblksize" from "PUB"."_DbStatus" [DataDirect][ODBC Progress...
  6. T

    SQL to get Progress database version

    Does Progress provide a means to determine what version of the database is currently being used? For example: SELECT @@version FROM someTable; I am on a remote client and do not have access to the database server. So I can not view any files on the server to determine the Progress database...
  7. T

    REGEXP_LIKE in Progress SQL

    I did not see it in the manual -- or for that matter anything like it... Thx.
  8. T

    REGEXP_LIKE in Progress SQL

    Oracle has a function called REGEXP_LIKE -- 'regular expression like'. Does Progress have such a function or something similar? Cheers
  9. T

    SQL COUNT in Progress

    select count( distinct col ) ... instead of select count(distinct(col)) ... too many () .. not needed with distinct. Thx.
  10. T

    SQL COUNT in Progress

    Is there a SQL Query tool that comes with the Progress Database that I can use to run this SQL thru...other than what I am using?
  11. T

    SQL COUNT in Progress

    select distinct() and select count(), when used by themselves, work fine. When they are combined together as in my example is when I get the error. I did take the full qualification out of the column ... error is: >[Error] Script lines: 1-3 -------------------------- [DataDirect][ODBC...
  12. T

    SQL COUNT in Progress

    select count(distinct("pub"."student"."student-id")) as students from "pub"."student" Error is: [Error] Script lines: 1-2 -------------------------- [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Syntax error in SQL statement at or about...
  13. T

    SQL COUNT in Progress

    I have used many databases and can do SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT col)) as colname FROM mytable; but having problems with Progress. Question: How do you count distinct rows? Also, what is the equivalent to the Oracle REPLACE command? (which search a string and replaces all occurances of a...