Why does this site charge for the search feature

You are right that PEG has existed much earlier than PRogresTalk. As far as I know, they have not upgraded - still Email-based which I find cumbersome. I don't want to receive tons of email.

Here, I can't find any import from PEG anymore - has it been forced off ProgressTalk? I know there are some peggers who deride ProgressTalk - wish they would just let things be. I am sure for Progress forum, there's room for more than 1.
so that's were chris moved the old peg import section to
my mistake, they were listed under the development forum

who are we kidding, most of the time this is a one post a week forum
with more questions then any worth while answers

and they're mostly about syntax
not exactly cutting edge interesting discussions, not even close

imho, if there was a way for professionals to make money
it would make a pretty strong argument
They do come over once in a while ......

but that's the main issue behind a forum based approach. Unless you come here you won't see the entires.

With the PEG e-mail subscription, distribution and response is very much faster than what you obtain here.

There are benefits to both approaches ... I like the fact that I can come to ProgressTalk and hit 'New Posts' .. but I much prefer the PEG for it's fast response.
gcampbell said:
but that's the main issue behind a forum based approach. Unless you come here you won't see the entires.

I am making use of the excellent feature whereby I can subscribe to threads that I am interested in. By default, ProgressTalk would notify me IMMEDIATELY via email of any reply to threads that I started or that I participate in. On top of that the email notification contains the content of the reply. So in this sense, it's similar to PEG I think, only more modern and customisable. The main thing perhaps is that there is no feature to subscribe to a whole forum - which personally I don't think I would use. Other things like hybrid Display-view of threads and many choices of skin-color make it less dull. My favorite being Blue/Green on White ... at least for the next 3 months? :rolleyes:

gcampbell said:
They do come over once in a while ......

I certainly hope so. Their expertise would be very helpful.

I think you made the right decision to open the basic Search for everybody. Wouldn't it be a good idea to split up some work to some volonteers? I also am a volonteer to a Belgian website (www.folkroddels.be - in Dutch, about folk music), together with 20 others. That site is also still free for everybody, and has some google-ads in the articles, and also some payed banners on top of the mainpage.

Anyhow, good luck with your marriage and the new home !!
This thread is so much reprensentative of the overall Progress mentality... retarded and outdated!

I have been a Progress developer for over 2 years now and trust me, it was not by choice because I think, unlike most members here, that the 4GL you seem to like so much is a totally retarded and outdated technology.

It's funny to see all you old members trying to convince reluctant people that Progress/OpenEdge is a good development tool when most of you don't even know any other languages or, if you do, you only had a glimpse at them.

I come to this forum once in a while when I'm looking for info but I must admit that I am quite disapointed most of the time. I either don't find what I'm looking for because of the lack of good search features or, if I do find a post of someone asking similarly the same question as I have, there's either no answer or the answer does not answer the question at all.

Tell me now why would I want to pay for something that is most of the time useless for me?

I am also managing a web site with a forum, nothing to do with software development, and even though it does cost me money to maintain it, I will NEVER ask my members to pay to use the site.

My feeling is that if you don't have the time or energy to maintain a site/forum, it's not by making people pay 29$ US that your interest will come back.

Either close the damn thing or hand over control to someone else!

My 2 canadian cents
What a shame I cannot swear on here.

If you dislike Progress and this community so much then I'm surprised you wasted the time even putting in your few cents (not that your posting was worth that much).

An ex. C programmer.

Yes friend. C. the letter after B and yes B the letter after A. There you go. It was worth coming on here. You've started to learn the alphabet. tomorrow we'll try for D.
wawoue said:
This thread is so much reprensentative of the overall Progress mentality... retarded and outdated!

I have been a Progress developer for over 2 years now and trust me, it was not by choice because I think, unlike most members here, that the 4GL you seem to like so much is a totally retarded and outdated technology.

Do you have any arguments why you feel this way, or is this just a born in incapabiltity to understand such an easy language in the last 2 years?

wawoue said:
I either don't find what I'm looking for because of the lack of good search features or, if I do find a post of someone asking similarly the same question as I have, there's either no answer or the answer does not answer the question at all.

If your questions have the same level of sophistication as your post in this thread, I understand why you didn't get any answers.

wawoue said:
I am also managing a web site with a forum, nothing to do with software development, and even though it does cost me money to maintain it, I will NEVER ask my members to pay to use the site.

Unless you got over 10000 members with peaks of over 600 concurrent users....

All righty too much set already :lol:


(php, Java, Progress, Pascal (yeah allright that's old ;) )
Without wishing to get into a whole Progress-v-Microsoft ( or whatever ) debate ....

Progress has one of the lowest TCO for enterprise class DB on the market - nothing retarded about that.
Progress has for a long time been strong on SOA - nothing outdated in that.

Yes - the UI and ADE are looking old but I believe great things are happening

Having done numerous sizeable projects using both Progress ( v9 AppServer ) AND asp.net with Visual Studio / VSS / Visio et. al. I agree that in a lot of areas Progress lacks the sheer sophistication of developer experience but Im constantly amazed that projects that were delivered often years ago using Progress technology are still running with little or no support, cope with huge growth is data volumes and require minimal DBA work.

Going forward though it would be a mistake to ignore what is happening with .net and presentation layer technologies.

( Hope that was a balanced viewpoint - please dont flame me ?!)
yeah yeah yeah..
Originally Posted by wawoue
I either don't find what I'm looking for because of the lack of good search features or, if I do find a post of someone asking similarly the same question as I have, there's either no answer or the answer does not answer the question at all.

and how many questions have you asked, 1 :D:D:D

Its up to you if you dont want to pay.. but we still will try to help you when you need us. Though you think your too smart for this community you come back here for help... I wonder why.

I would prefer this thread to be locked/closed or disappear. This sponsor thing was a change, had different reactions, its dealt with and taken care of.. and all is good .
Search tool

I agree that the search tool is very poorly done. I've wasted many hours scrolling though pages of search results looking for answers, and sometimes I find them, but sometimes I give up. The reason I started coming here instead of the PEG, was because of the search feature. Now the PEG has archives and search, so ProgressTalk should consider focusing on having the best search. Techies love that sort of thing. Just look at how popular Google is because of the power of it's search engine.
Search Tool

I distinctly remember that the Search tool here was great. It returned very useful results, better results than the one at PEG. But recently it does not seem to return good results. Was there a change? The Seach tool avalable in the Paid subscription, would it return better results? Can Chris or anyone comment on this? It's no point going for Paid subscription if the Search tool is no better.


Chris, please please close this post. It seems to have become a general whinge post for anyone who's having a bad day.

Bottom line is if you object then don't come here.
For a while, the search tool was different for normal users versus subscribers... where subscribers would have a better, more advanced search engine logic which allowed for natural language and boolean searches against a full-text database index of the post contents.

However, recently I enabled these advanced search types again for everyone, so you should get great search results again. I may, however, change this back to a subscriber only feature.

Hullo Chris

Thanks for replying. So the search tool is currently the same. Perhaps there could be some explanation on how to get great search result. Frankly, I don't know what you mean by Naturual language :blush:. And I am guessing that Boolean means you can use AND / OR and perhaps even ( ) in the Search critieria?

Some help on this would be great.

