WebClient Environment: Was good for you?


New Member
Hi peggers,

After 6 months developing an application based on WC environment, I got a disgusting question: Have you had productivity working with ADM2 / WC?

I've been working with progress since Version 5 (1990), and I was surprised with good productivity when I first coded a program....

We used to code a medium complexity program in 6 or 8 hours,
now, sometimes, using WC and ADM2 we spend 40 hours to code a similar program.

I've seen some "progressTalk" threads (from year 2001) saying about miracles of webclient, I hope this is true, but my plans to finishing my application in X months was seriously damaged, and my customer is getting ....... :dead:

We know that new technologies knowledge has a time to grow up
but , it's really hard to find out information about ADM2 x WC.

Who's using WebClient and ADM2 ?

How many apps have been finished?

Living as a ExtremeGames player, my adrenaline is really high!

Anybody can says *The Good News*?


Off topic a bit but anyway...

We had an app written pre web client which was suffering performance problems on a WAN in certain areas. The app is one million + lines of code - large.

Our bosses for some reason got in Progress consultants to see if they could help. Progress consulatans says rewrite the entire app to use Webclient - DOW.

Bosses put the app into car and maintenance and are going to develop a new product using a different language (probably using cheep offshore slave labour!).

Cheers Progress!

By using Webclient Progress are forcing you to effectivley write your own middleware.

To improve the perfomance of our app they could of done some things to the client server model they use. Such as: -

Doing joins at server
Sorted queries on server
Not be so chatty about record creates etc.

I think a lot of people are going to get pi... off with web client because using it is more like programming 3GL stuff (which there are better languages to do that in).

Just my 2p rant..
Thanks Chris Paulson,

I'm afraid I can't rewrite all the aplicattion using any 3GL tool NOW.

Proceeding using WC is the choice we have.

Progress should be concerned about writing documentation and sample real cases to provide at least more knowledge....

It seems that WC and its Docs are prepared to solve Table maintenance (add button, copy button , delete buttons and bla,bla,bla) and simple Query Screens but if you have to code something else you certainly will be trapped in on a weird override or (specially using WC) in double transaction solution.

I hope I'm doing it wrong, and the lack of knowedge is the guilt part, and solutions can appear...

By the way 70% of time was spent trying to find correct solutions to simple problems, like recording an information that is not on rowobjupd or rowobject temp tables, or looking for errors in a uglly LOG FILE , or, sometimes to find out a litle bug (9.1b had a few of them)


Progress needs a better IDE for developing application using their APPserver/webspeed products
Originally posted by Unregistered
Progress needs a better IDE for developing application using their APPserver/webspeed products

Could you be more specific? are you using WebClient? Do you have some experience about it? We are interested in your ideas...
Originally posted by Unregistered
Progress needs a better IDE for developing application using their APPserver/webspeed products

I sort of disagree with this. Progress has been wasting its time with things like smart objects open source etc when it should have been concentrating on improving its core language and DB.

The reason it is so hard to do things is because the language is so weak and SLOW!

A better IDE would be an advantage but only after its sorted the 4GL and DB.

I know this sounds like reinventing the wheel but I would never use smart objects. I would write all my own objects for handling screen/db updates, that way you are not tied into Progress. You will not suffer if they change direction with a new release.
Again , that's a good question: Why are we using ADM2 ?

Before using ADM2 and WC we first talked to Progress People asking if ADM2 was OK, they said "of course, many applications has been written for many companies , including Progress Corporation" our mistake was forget the second question:
"and what about WebCLient?" .

We can't deny the benefits using ADM2, we don't have to write
our own objects (this is not a bad idea, but there is no commercial viability, for us, doing that!).

We get to the point: Who is using ADM2 and WC , and what sort of problems do they have? I see you're not using, but the question remains. :chat:

