Warehousing an OpenEdge 10.1C Database in SQL Server 2005


New Member

I'm looking to set up the above, but haven't found any clear instructions on the web.

Could someone point me in the right direction or give me a guide?

Sorry if I'm being quite vague!



New Member
I have the Progress Database set up as a linked server.

I have created a new Integration Services project in Business Intelligence Development Studio and created a new ADO.net connection using an ODBC driver. I've chosen the database and given it some login credentials (I'm not sure what these should be - do OE database have the equivalent of a SQL SA user?)

I've then added a DataReader Source tool to the Data Flow tab and used my ADO.net connection, however when passing a query to it for it's SQL command I'm getting Autorization Errors.

[ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE] Access Denied (Authorization Failed)(7512)
Am I right so far, or should I be doing something differently?


Well-Known Member
The Progress database is not an SQL database in the first place. Therefore in order to use it successfully with SQL clients you must set it up:

  • When you connect to a Progress database with an SQL client the first time there are only two possible login credentials that are accepted, both of which will have DBA privileges:
    • The login credentials of the OS account under which the database was created.
    • The user SYSPROGRESS which must be added manually via the data administration tool. You can specify your own password.
    • Only this two user can grant SQL privileges to other SQL users even if they already exist in the Progress user list on the 4GL side of things.

  • Next, when you start the database broker it's either set as default or you must explicitely tell it so that it will accept SQL connections ( but I think you are already beyond that step ). You can do this in specifying the -ServerType both parameter for startup.

  • Last, but not least, when you plan to use SQL connections to the database for more than tests or onetime acitivities then you should start a secondary login broker for the database which is dedicated to handle the SQL clients.
HTH, RealHeavyDude.