Viewing images stored in a 9.10E db


New Member

What would be the best way to go about using ODBC to retrieve images stored in a Progress 9.10E database?
I would want to use for example a VB app or a php web page to get the image and display it.

Is there a standard Progress method for storing images (these are scanned images by the way) that would make it easy to get at? Something like an 'image' datatype? Does anybody have any examples of doing the same thing?
I have ODBC access to the db, and would like to start this at least, without bothering the application vendor. I can go back to them to get details later.

Thanks in advance,
I'd have thought the images would be stored as RAW data in the db on 9.1E. As far as I know that's just raw binary data. It's also possible that the images are split over multiple records for memory reasons. Therefore you'd need to read the relevant number of records and splice the binary data together to generate the actual image. You'll have to find out what the structure is from the people who maintain the DB though as I'm just guessing. How to achieve the result you require with ODBC isn't something I know I'm afraid.
As Cringer said: The support for BLOB fields came with OpenEdge 10 (which is being replaced by OpenEdge 11 soon). Therefore the only way to store binary data in an Progress V9 database was to store it in a field of type RAW (which according to Progress are just bytes). As there is a limit on roughly 32K on a record, if the binary data is larger it must have been split up. You need to have access to the code that did that splitting in order to replicate it in whatever language it is you are writing your code.

Plus, accessing a Progress V9 database via SQL just sucks more or less.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.

Thanks for your help. It will help to go back to the app providers and work with them on this, but it should be possible!
