uslh_hist (User Logon History Table)


New Member
I had something strange happen a few weeks ago and would like to bring before you guys and see if anyone has seen the same thing before.

On 8/21/2009, something occured to cause approximately 21,000,000 uslh_hist records to be written to the database. Each record contains blank values for both, userid and domain.

I checked the DB log file and I don't see anything to reflect the login attempts.

I opened a ticket with QAD and they have yet to find anything.

I appreciate any information that you can provide.

You are not alone.
Have seen this several times before, in a few cases crashing the database because of storage area 11 extents reaching 2Gb limit.
I haven't been able to reproduce the problem but I think you'll find that there'll be a vv_flush error shown in the db log file at exactly the same time as the first of these records appears, suggesting a logout from MFGPRO that Progress does not recognise. Your (I assume) unix box will have a process on it consuming close to 100% CPU time, thus compromising performance.
QAD didn't acknowledge the problem for some time then incorporated my own patch into QAD2008.1SE.
Patch Q1PW should prevent it happening again.

By the way, I spent close on 200 hours trying to get to the bottom of this!