using the outlook view control ocx


New Member
I'm trying to use the Outlook View Control COM but I seem to have things set up wrong and I can't figure out how.

When I place the control on my window I see a brief glimpse of something in my Outlook. But when I run the program I get:

Error occurred while accessing component property/method: SaveControls.
Unspecified error
Error code: 0x80004005 adeshar/_contbin.p (5890)

Followed by:

Error occurred while accessing component property/method: LoadControls.
Catastrophic failure
Error code: 0x8000ffff control_load C:\dlc9-wrk\p14218_woutlookinterface.ab (5890)

(The program is w-outlookinterface.w and is in dlc9-wrk.)

The window then appears but the outlook viewer doesn't appear in it. Any ideas?
How are you initializing this/? or are you just droping the ocx on the screen and it supposed to work from that?
first off let me ask you this? Are you trying to integrate your application with outlook? or do you want something similar to outlook with no ties to it. I can't remember correctly but we were integrating outlook with our apps and i was under the wrong understanding that Outlook View Control did that. It don't if it's the one im thinking about.

If thats what you want i'll see what i can do.

if that isn't i wrote a mostly 4gl with mscal.ocx appointment task and notes screen which is still in it's early stages of devlopment but depends on what you want
I guess it's just a activities/task screen where it store the info added through that control. It's called outlook view control just because it looks similar to the outlook view of these items.

I was about to buy it and stuff and it turned out that it wasn't what i was looking for. I'm pretty sure we are talking about the same control, but there could be a possibility that im wrong. You may want to double check.
did you ever get this to work? If so was it really integrated with outlook or did it just have and outlook GUI to it?

I was curious about this awhile ago but didn't want to pay for it if it wasn't what we needed
This is the Microsoft Outlook View Control that we're talking about? OUTLCTL.DLL?

No, I've not got it working. It's not a priority for me, it would just be handy if I could get it going. Hence I've not spent much time on it, mostly for fear that the time might end up being wasted if I can't get it going.
This is the Microsoft Outlook View Control that we're talking about? OUTLCTL.DLL?

No, I've not got it working. It's not a priority for me, it would just be handy if I could get it going. Hence I've not spent much time on it, mostly for fear that the time might end up being wasted if I can't get it going.

maybe that isn't the one i thought it was hmm i might have to look into this one.