Using prorest


New Member
When i tried to restore with the command prorest sendme this messages

extend /usr98/qro/resqro/mfgqro enough to proceed.
Restore failed. (1618)

sombody please helpe!
Perhaps you could provide some more information? The Progress version, the OS involved and the full error message are always a good start.

There are a lot of reasons why you might get error 1618 (if that is what you got) and the full error message would go a long ways towards helping you figure out what went wrong.
Yes you will rigth, well i was read 3 cases en this forum, and i finaly solve the problem, the database was backup in multi-volume mode, but when i tried to restore the file was to big than 2GB and have to put the "st" file an create the structure, when i was do that, the porblem was solved.
So thanks!!!! a lot for answer me.
See you next issue.