Update/Insert from SQL Server to Progress


New Member
I am having trouble updating and inserting records into a progress database from SQL where the table name contains a hyphen. I have the same problem using linked server and DTS packages.

I can insert and update columns that have hyphens as long as the table name does NOT have hyphens.

I can select data fine with table names that have hyphens - here is an example of a query that works:

select * from openquery(Syteline_test, 'select uf\-support\-class from ux\-item where item = ''00011''')

However when I try to update this same field I get an error message. Here is the query:

update openquery(Syteline_TEST, 'select uf\-support\-class from ux\-item where item = ''00011''') set [uf-support-class] = 2

Here is the error message:

OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. The provider reported an unexpected catastrophic failure
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Query cannot be updated because the FROM clause is not a single simple table name.]

I have tried qualifying the table name and that also does not work.

Any Thoughts?




New Member
I have a question rather than a solution...:rolleyes:
I am trying to establish a linked server to access my Progress database from SQL Server 2000, but can't find any documentation on the Provider String to use. I have set up a datasource using the Merant 3.60 driver for version 9.1d, and tried MDASQL as the provider string, but it won't connect.
Can you help we with this, as you said you have a working linked server?