Table Join - totally frustrated!

The light dawns ... you are having to write the .p without a database connection and thus no possibility of testing the syntax or doing other basic development tasks like a compile with XREF. How painful! :( It really is time to beat up on the brass and get a better work environment.

Does the UNIX guy know anything about ABL? Does anyone else? What kind of license do you have on the UNIX box?

Assuming that he can open a procedure editor then

COMPILE yourprog.p XREF yourprog.xrf

will put the XREF in yourprog.xrf
Yes, quite right. But it is better than it was. It took about 10 tries to get my first script to run and produce a text file. The UNIX guy was quite fed up with me and suggested that we hire someone to do the scripts.

Does the UNIX guy know anything about ABL? Does anyone else? What kind of license do you have on the UNIX box?

I don't know - to all three!

Anyway, thanks for your help today! I will send off the compile request in the morning. I started my car a few minutes ago and am heading out for the day.:)
If you had your own procedure editor, you wouldn't have to frustrate him so much!

Or, even just a SQL license. In OE10, that's free!
Unless someone else has other ideas on how I should change this script, I guess I have to put this all on hold for a while. The UNIX guy responded to my "COMPILE yourprog.p XREF yourprog.xrf" request with:

uh... er... huh?
I'm not sure how i would do that.

So...for now I will continue to use the flat file that I'm currently getting. In SQL server its a fairly easy task to group the records (taking say, 60,000 records and making only 4000) before I update the trip table.

Thanks again for your efforts.