SYSTEM ERROR: stkpush: stack overflow. Increase the -s parameter. (279) ** Save file named core for


Hi Good day!

I would like to ask some help of your expertise of my program problem. Everytime I clicked the PF4 key the second time, an error occured. The following are my codes. Please help.
ON choose of b-new IN frame fr-buttons
       define var l-end as logical init false.             
       pass = 0. 
       lnew = true.
       ledit = false.
       disable all with frame fr-buttons.
       run init-vars.
       RUN Get-Type(INPUT-OUTPUT t-partno, INPUT-OUTPUT t-desc).
       RUN Count-Rec(INPUT-OUTPUT t-recno).

       IF t-parno NE "" OR t-desc NE "" AND t-recno > 0 THEN DO:
           display dtoday t-partno t-desc with frame loadparts.
           enable all except dtoday t-partno /*t-fano t-parno*/ t-status t-transcnt with frame loadparts.

ON PF4, ENDKEY of ptype IN FRAME fr-ptype
       hide frame fr-ptype.
       ENABLE b-new b-newcpu b-browse b-find b-exit WITH FRAME fr-buttons.

ON PF4 OF FRAME loadparts DO:
       CLEAR FRAME loadparts.
       ASSIGN t-partno = "" t-desc = "" t-recno = 0.
       DISABLE ALL WITH FRAME loadparts.
       enable b-new b-newcpu b-browse b-find b-exit with frame fr-buttons.
       WAIT-FOR CHOOSE OF b-new, b-newcpu, b-browse, b-find, b-exit IN FRAME fr-buttons FOCUS b-new.
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Cringer Moderator
Staff member
The only thing that stands out to me in that code is that your variable isn't defined with NO-UNDO. There are almost no reasons to leave that off and it will make a difference in all sorts of areas.


Active Member
Your code is a little too involved for me to be motivated to recreate it, but the only thing that stands out to me is that we don't normally use (a) multiple targets in an ON (ON PF4, ENDKEY), nor (b) the same key in multiple ON statements (ON PF4 twice). Both may be OK, I'm not sure, but it looks just a bit off to me. I would experiment with switching stuff up and see if your problem goes away.

Also, while the Progress compiler may not care, by posting code with a mixture of UPPER and lower case keywords, you may have unleashed primal forces of nature. Just warning you ;)