System Dialog GET-FILE crash

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Morning all,

just wondering if anyone has come across this issue, and/or know of a fix for it in Progress?

A user contacted me to say that whenever he tries to load a file the Progress application crashes - prowin32 error. After some fine-tooth-combing I managed to isolate the issue to the GET-FILE system dialog. The user was running the application on a Citrix farm, and he was the only one experiencing the issue. The code for the dialog is below:
      TITLE "Customer File"
      FILTERS "All Files (*.*)"         "*.*",
              lv-CustomerKey + "*.*"   lv-CustomerKey + "*.*",
              lv-CustomerKey + "*.doc" lv-CustomerKey + "*.doc",
              lv-CustomerKey + "*.xls" lv-CustomerKey + "*.xls",
              "Word Documents (*.doc)"  "*.doc",
              "Excel Documents (*.xls)" "*.xls"
      INITIAL-DIR lv-CusFileDirectory
      UPDATE lv-Ok.

Like I say, nobody else had the issue, just this user, and if I logged on as him to the application (not the citrix farm), it all worked fine so it wasn't anything to do with the value of variables. I passed the issue over to IT Support, and they managed to work out that it was to do with the Groove component of Office 2007. The specific shell extensions that were disabled were:

Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 1 (GFS Unread Stub)
Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2 (GFS Stub)
Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 2.5 (GFS Unread Folder)
Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 3 (GFS Folder)
Groove Explorer Icon Overlay 4 (GFS Unread Mark)
Groove Folder Synchronization
Groove GFS Browser Helper
Groove GFS Context Menu Handler
Groove GFS Stub Execution Hook
Groove GFS Stub Execution Hook
Groove GFS Stub Icon Handler
Groove XML Icon Handler

We've not managed to establish which particular one it was, but disabling all of these solved the issue.

Has anyone experienced this also? Does anyone have any ideas of a way we can stop these crashes?
Wild guess would be that the user does not have the right permissions to access the Groove plugin or the directory/file.
Yeah suppose that might be a possibility. Although our IT support didn't uncover that as an issue... Not that that means much!