[stackoverflow] [progress Openedge Abl] Missing Codepage For Table When Using Dataserver

  • Thread starter Václav Margy Sobotka
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Václav Margy Sobotka


I use dataserver to create records in MSSQL. I transfer data in bulk, with for each. Lets say tens of records. As I transfer those records with buffer-copy, I can easily verify the transfer with buffer-compare.

For unknown reasons, some records are malformed. When this happens, all consecutive records get malformed as well. This malformation means that character fields transfer with chinese characters in them. The first record that does this is only partially malformed. Meaning that some fields are ok, one is partially ok with the rest in chinese, and the rest of fields are completely in chinese. Character fields of all other records get malformed completely.

I am not able to artificially produce this, there is no known (to me) character or character sequence that does this. For a while we believed that it was chr(10) and replacing it with an empty string solved the problem. But it is back again.

Code I use to do it

Lets say I have a source oe_table in OpenEdge database, ms_table in MSSQL which I access through DataServer. Following code example is slightly modified excerpt from the actual program:

Note: The actual for each has where clausule and the buffer-copy has except option for two fields (of course this is reflected in buffer-compare also).

Note: We came up with the idea to raw-transfer the record, because we could not find anything strange in the fields specified by cUnequalFields.

What we discovered

Contents of oe_table.bin: Contents of ms_table.bin: Contents of tt_table.bin: Contents of ms_table_ok.bin, when the record does not get malformed (as to how did I get that record to not get malformed, I will get to that later):

The obvious thing here is this: oe_table and tt_table has a codepage specified, while ms_table does not. It is even more obvious when comparing the the record in ms_table that gets malformed with the exact same record in ms_table_ok that does not get malformed. While the ms_table_ok has UTF-8 specified, the ms_table does not have any.

Another interesting thing - look at the 0x250 row in ms_table and compare it to the 0x260 row in ms_table_ok. Look at the data "system". For some reason, ms_table treats it as single-byte, while the ms_table_ok treats it as double-byte. Also, ms_table does this even though it is not the first character field in the table. So he treats the preceeding field as double-byte, then treats this one as single-byte, then continues to treat remaining fields as double-byte again.

Next thing I just realized is that "utf-8", which is in ms_table missing, takes five bytes. That is odd number. That may explain different interpretation of strings later on. Look at row 0x320 and 0x330 in ms_table and ms_table_ok respectively. While the ms_table_ok represents single-byte characters in double-byte interpretation as d., the ms_table represents it the other way as .d. That is one byte shift.

How did I get the fine version of the record

This is also very strange. I experimented with startup parameters on the DataServer. Adding -Dsrv qt_no_debug or any other -Dsrv qt_debug means I can transfer the record without a problem, while not having that parameter means it will get malformed. That is the strangest thing in all this by far for me. So with this, I managed to get the ms_table_ok for comparison.

Then we have the same problem on another dataserver, where this parameter thing does not work at all.

Sorry, what was the question again?

The question is: What is the reason for the codepage not to be specified in the transfer?

Because that looks like the real issue here. But maybe I am not right and am missing something? Or do you have any idea what else can I try? I was convinced that the dataserver settings are not right, but then it works with that parameter and it works for other tables.

I will appreciate ANY advice! Thanks!

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