Saving data selected from combo box (drop down menu)


I have a page in which u can fill in some text forms and select some data from a combo box (drop down menu). After filling in and selecting the info, the user presses on 'save' and the data is saved in de database.

Now I know the code for the fields but how to do this for the comboboxes?

The code for the fields:

DO transaction:

create customer.
assign customer.rcust = rcust#
customer.nname = nname#
customer.nplace = nplace#
customer.nphon = nphon#
customer.nfax = efax#


The rcust# are all local variables declared.

Now how to save the selected value from a combobox (for example one has to select how what the problem is like: hardware problem, software problem, head problem etc) into the customer table?

In the customer table there is a foreign key named rproblem which refers to the primary key of the table problem.

This means I have to save the key in customer? But what is the exact syntax?

Many thanks in advance!