S/N Associations

Chris Kelleher

Staff member
SL 4.0.2

Hey all you inventory/warehouse Symixers -

When using the Material|Inventory|Activities|Stockroom Activities|Quantity
Move screen, what is done w/ the selected Serial Number(s) if it's a
serial-tracked item? At what level is the S/N stored with the Item and the
Itemloc? Are new matltrack records created? TIA -

Michael Fisher
IT Developer
Wallingford Electronics

I may be wrong, but I don't think that there is a new matltrack record
created for a move transaction. I think that the only way that Syteline
knows that a serial number in stock is that there is a serial number in the
Serial table assigned to an item that has a Serial.Stat of "I" for "In
Stock". You could make a move transaction and see if any ser-track and
matltrack records are created. This can be checked easily with Progress or
with the Transactions by Serial Number Report. All this report does is
give a full listing of all transactions for a serial number or range of
serial numbers, straight from a combination of the ser-track and matltrack

Good luck.
Hi Mike-
First of all, mucho thx for your feedback. It definately got me going in
the right direction.
As it turns out, a new matltrack record is created for a move transaction (I
checked the last matltrack records after the move - FYI). I have figured
out that at the time of the transaction, a ser-track record is also created
along with the matltrack and matltran records. I am wondering what else
might be happening with the S/N at the time of the transaction. Or, is this
where it lies until the items are issued to a job or shipped?
Any ideas?
This is pretty much where things sit. If the serial.stat = "I" then it will
just wait until a valid transaction is made to take it out of stock. If the
serial.stat = "O" then it won't be available for a transaction unless it is
a Misc. Receipt or and RMA or DR Return from the Shipping Screen. The
ser-track and matltrack tables don't care. They are only the history
records of serial transactions.

I have learned all this from monster conversions of Serial Number records
from other systems. I have left gut piles and blood trails to prove it.

Thanks BI.