running partial idxbuild via a shell script


New Member
Was wondering if there's anybody who's got a shell script for running "idxbuild" option of "proutil" for only some tables. I can't figure out how to feed "proutil" the input it needs using a script to be run off hours.
This is how I do it on a w32 platform
It may be similar for Unix based Progress..

:: Create Re-Index INI File
echo all > \post\idxbld.ini
echo yes >> \post\idxbld.ini

:: Progress Re-index Procedure
set putil=\dlc\bin\_proutil
%putil% %dbpath%\%dbname% -C idxbuild -TB 31 -TM 32 -T \tmp < \post\idxbld.ini >> \tmp\dmpbo.irb
if errorlevel 1 echo [Failed] On Index Rebuild >> \tmp\dmpbo.irb
if errorlevel 1 goto index_fail

:: Housekeeping
del \post\idxbld.ini 2> \nul

The redirection doesn't work - I tried that before my original post.

We ended up using a Perl script which works fine. For those of you interested, I'm attaching the script.
