Question Run In Propath

Kartikeya Sharma

New Member
Hi All,

I am try to findout best way to RUN a.p in my propath.
a.p is available 5 propath location, i want to run all.

I know, why this is not allow progress however you have some trick.

Thank you.

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
The purpose of the propath is to provide a search order, when the path of the module being invoked is not specified. By design, a propath search will return the first instance of that module found in the propath entries. Once that first instance is found, the search is ended.

If you want to find other instances of a module in the propath past the first one, you could write your own code to find them manually. Or you could look at the source for protools/_search.r; it may do what you need. From the comments in the code:
File: _search.w

Description: Finds all copies of a file in the PROGRESS PROPATH

If you want to know how to get the source, it is contained in the file in the %DLC%\src directory. To extract it, follow the instructions in this KB article, using instead of
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