Record scope


New Member
There are Strong,Week and free scope. Practicalliy i could find out the where should we use these?

Could somebody explain me with example?



Well-Known Member
The documentation that comes withe product in PDF format contains an ABL handbook in the ABL topic which contains a section "Record Buffers and Record Scope". You could start in reading it to get an understanding. It explicitly explains the different scopes ( weak and strong ) and free references.

In a nutshell - my advise:
Whenever you update the database you should use defined buffers and strong scope them to match the transaction scope. If you don't you may wind up blocking other processes which try to lock a record which was part of your transaction because of share locks. That is because at the end of the transaction, when the buffer scope is larger than the transaction scope, the ABL will not release the lock completely on the concerned records, instead it will downgrade the lock to a share lock in anticipation that the it might get updated again further down the road. The SHARE-LOCK is the default lock the ABL uses when you retrieve records from the database unless you specify otherwise. That is the default behavior ever since.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.