Progress Performance Tuning


New Member
Bom dia,

Sou Analista de Sistemas e Programador em Progress aqui no Brasil e gostaria de saber se alguém conhece uma ferramenta para uma análise da perfomance do progress e identificação de possíveis falhas e erros.

O progress possui o PROMON, mas este é muito complicado de entender seus resultados.

Desde já agradeço a atenção de todos.

Eduardo Leite

Traduzido pelo Google:

"Good day,

I am Analyst of Systems and Programmer in Progress in Brazil and would like here to know if somebody knows a tool for an analysis of perfomance of progress and identification of possible imperfections and errors.

Progress possesss the PROMON, but this very is complicated to understand its results.

Since already I thank the attention of all."
Hi Eduardo,

Try using Progress Profiler... usually you can find it under {installdir}\src\samples\profiler

Its kinda powerfull thing in my opinion, pitty Progress didnt continue tuning it so you will not be able to get support for it if things go wrong, but you are free to update the sources you will find (at least thats what i read about it).
You create a profiling db. (df file in dir i mentioned)
Turn profiling on and run your application or procedure. Than using the viewer you can load the the created files into the db and you can see exactly
-how many times code passed each line
-average time of execution
-total amount of execution time
-calling procedures
-etc etc

You can double click every line which calls another block and go as deep you see necessary.

As i said really powerfull thing in my opinion.

Good luck using it.

Obrigado a todos pela ajuda, consegui identificar algumas ferramentas que auxiliarão em meu trabalho.

Traduzido pelo Google:

I am thankful all for the aid, I obtained to identify some tools that will assist in my work.

Eduardo Leite