Progress.Lang.Object GetEntity

Boa Tarde pessoal, estou com um problema o qual não consigo pegar o Entity de uma variável "Progress.Lang.Object", ou jogar essa variável para uma do tipo "IHttpResponse" alguém pode me ajudar com isso?
Translation: Good afternoon folks, I have a problem that I can't get the Entity from a "Progress.Lang.Object" variable, or throw this variable into one of the "IHttpResponse" type can someone help me with this?

FYI we tend to work best in English here Matheus.
I am only guessing what is needed here.
I suppose Matheus has a variable of type Progress.Lang.Object and wants to assign it to a variable of type IHttpResponse.

This does not work:
define variable vFrom AS Progress.Lang.Object.
define variable vTo as IHttpResponse.
vTo = vFrom.

You need to cast the object:
define variable vFrom AS Progress.Lang.Object.
define variable vTo as IHttpResponse.
vTo = cast(vFrom,IHttpResponse).