Progress - Java

If by that you mean "forget about using Progress for GUI", I agree, it's hopeless compared to the competition, and I'm not really interested in whatever .NET thing they have cobbled together, I can pretty much guarantee it still blows compared to C# or Swing.

You might want to spend a few days working with it. It could surprise you.
Sorry if my original question was not very clear but as rstanciu understood is indeed run a 4GL procedure from Java.

Regarding those who believes that Java is not for business applications I suggest to have a llok on EJB. Of course if you mean business by applying a web application rather than basic client-server.

We have migrated from a client-server to a web-based solution but keeping the progress layer which itself is linked to an Oracle database. The web layer has been developed using the MVC model, and continuing to use their existing progress. Hence chain transcripts permanent move from one world to another. Probably the feeder on the response times are so long associated with this (analysis of string in Java and in progress).

As I mentioned a class inheriting from com.progress.open4gl.javaproxy.AppObject was set up to call the proceedings progress. But I do not know if this is the best technique.​

Thanks for your answers in advance.

I read again all answer (thanks you very much).
But i read this :

The funny thing is ... java don't has "pointers" :mad:

Reading this, I don't know how react: crying / laughing / shouting.
Read something regarding object programming, please...
Oh my, EJB is perhaps the clearest proof of all that Java is not suitable for business apps. That you need all that garbage to achieve what you can achieve in Progress in about 10% of the work / LOC / number of files, with (in the vast majority of cases) no apparent benefit for all the extra work, but people still buy EJB, is a real mystery to me.

EJB is to writing business apps in Java as writing a real-time 3D game rendering engine is to P4GL. Sure, it can be done, but why would any sane person want to?

Oh, and an EJB purist would smack you for implying that EJB is only for web apps. Albeit, it is true that Java hasn't exactly taken the client/server world by storm.
OH MY GOD !!!!
Probably you haven't a real experience working with EJB. And i didn't say that EJB is only for Web application !! But to made business application such as sales or order some products it's a good opportunity.

for me, since I started working with 4GL progress, it's probably my worst experience developer. It's like ASP code as in 2000.

but all experiences are different,and my feelings may be linked to my ten years of object oriented development.
Well, you probably don't have a real experience working with P4GL, so there. And to quote: "I suggest to have a llok on EJB. Of course if you mean business by applying a web application rather than basic client-server."
ok, i apologize for my point of view. But i would like to make an effort to understood how can i supported this application based on Java and Progress.
Could you tell me what is the best solution to execute a .r from java with in and out parameters ?
Thanks a lot in advance for you help :/

So, you should be all set to write OOABL ... once you can get used to having more power.
I want to thank you for giving me comfort in the idea that people in developing progress is absolutely rooted in the technology and want is that we find something better, and above all not to give information to people wishing to become involved.
Stupidity is really unlimited...
I must say that I have to agree with HadanMarv, the question he is asking is more then clear and the only answer he really got was some discussion on how stupid java is and how good ABL is. This reminds me of a previous discussion where Progress was slaughtered on some other froum and we all agreed that it had to do with outdated information and lack of experience which brought people to the wrong conclusion.

Coming back to the original question the only way I know of is the way you are aleready doing it and that is by using the com.progress.open4gl.javaproxy.AppObject class to make the calls. Unfortunately I don't have any experience in using Progress with java.
We use C# as the front end and are not experiencing any performance
problems in making the calls to the Appserver.

I'm happy that at least one person tries to take my worries.
We use com.progress.open4gl.javaproxy.AppObject to connect and run procedure. I just would like to know if it's the best practice or not.
We don't connect to the progress database or oracle directly.
Only the AppServer is call.
Thanks for your reply.

I'm happy that at least one person tries to take my worries.
Casper beat me to it.

I can't help technically either, but Hadanmarv (who is essentially a guest here) and the Progress residents should maybe allow each other the respect of proficiency in and understanding of their particular idioms and deal with the technical question, and start a new thread if a religious debate is required.

We are all coders under the one Codd.

We use com.progress.open4gl.javaproxy.AppObject to connect and run procedure. I just would like to know if it's the best practice or not.
We don't connect to the progress database or oracle directly.
Only the AppServer is call.
ok ... come back to the the original question.

Did you tryed the sample with "Appserver DirectConnect" i've post ?

** Note:
If your AppServer is connected to a Oracle over DS, you have to modify your progress procedure with
QUERY-TUNING phrase as:
and ... each FIND have to be translated in FOR FIRST + QUERY-TUNING
Another tip to use is the FILEDS ... as:
FOR EACH Customer FIELDS (CustNum Name City):
DISPLAY CustNum Name City.
and get only the data you use and not all the table data.

try again ! ... and tell me if now your application looks like "Speedy-Gonzales" ?

I read again all answer (thanks you very much).
But i read this :

The funny thing is ... java don't has "pointers" :mad:

Reading this, I don't know how react: crying / laughing / shouting.
Read something regarding object programming, please...

I do my homework in java, long time agoo ...

You can crying / laughing / shouting but you can not define:

Pointer myPointer = new Pointer();

If you wants to see something funny java code I write ... check this, :biggrin:

Java application is like a blonde: beauty and stupid,
here is the example for an application who do nothing but is cool ...