Progress in Netterm - Copy text

I am still using the old style 4GL environment with Netterm. Is it possible to copy the whole program sytax in the procedure editor to Notepad under Windows?
You're trying to get the code? Just save the p/wcode somewhere and open it with notepad. Or am I missing something?
Normally the code file is located on the Unix server side. The client PC (with Windows) just acts as a terminal to access the code file via netterm. You can't save the file in your own PC but on the Unix server, though you can download the code file via KERMIT or FTP. Or you can use netterm to just copy what is currently on the 80x24 screen. My question here is that is there anyway to copy the file contents to the client PC's clipboard buffer, such that I can paste to the Notepad to save. To put it another way, I need to get the code contents but without using any download utilities such KERMIT or FTP.