[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Make Studio More Keyboard-friendly

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Permit keystroke shortcuts for the Post and Alias fields in the rule statements pane. I want to type "I" and see "Info" or use the down arrow to see and select choices, not be forced to use the mouse. I am going to have to type into the text and ref fields anyway so I don't want to jump back and forth keyboard-to-mouse-to-keyboard. Add keyboard shortcuts to many of the mouse operations that have to happen frequently. There are a whole lot of mouse-only operations that slow down the user when large amounts of data entry have to be done: - Choosing "Connection" when editing a ruleflow. I have dragged five sheets to the flow; I have to move to connection, click, move back to sheet 1, click and drag to sheet 2, move back to connection, click, move back to sheet 2, etc. - adding attributes in the vocabulary. - setting properties when there are a limited set of values, i.e. if "Datastore Persistent" is No, let me type "Y" while focus is on the value cell to change it. It's especially a pain because you have to go all the way over to the right side of the panel to click a tiny unmarked area... and you have to do it for pretty much every attribute and entity you enter.

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