[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Test Db Crash On Linux Rh 7.2...

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Hi We're facing some db crashing while running 11.7.2 on a Linux RH 7.2 server. This is a test server we use for testing and wanted to check 11.7.2. It has 8gb of ram but nothing running with the exception on 1 appserver and few batches. The max connection to DB is less than 10 included BIW,WDG,APW (we've not enabled AI). bellow last db log from last crash [2017/11/29@09:30:10.825+0000] P-11752 T-139666002794368 I ABL 32: (1075) Semaphore id -32767 was removed [2017/11/29@09:30:10.895+0000] P-12404 T-139627545966464 I ABL 34: (1075) Semaphore id -32767 was removed [2017/11/29@09:30:10.895+0000] P-12404 T-139627545966464 F ABL : (6517) SYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected error return from semAdd -1 [2017/11/29@09:30:41.510+0000] P-11412 T-139995119421248 I WDOG 28: (2256) SYSTEM ERROR: User 32 died during microtransaction. [2017/11/29@09:30:41.510+0000] P-11412 T-139995119421248 I WDOG 28: (2527) Disconnecting dead user 32. [2017/11/29@09:30:41.514+0000] P-11379 T-139937231816512 I BIW 26: (2520) Stopped. [ I can find anything in the appserver log or batch process log and the only error is visible on the db log file. The db start with the default 3 semaphores sets and the kernel has been tuned with SEMMSL 250, SEMMNI 256 and SEMMNS 32000. All activated appserver (classic) and batch processes has SELF connection via shared memory. While running 11.7 before we used to get some "almost" similar error we manage to get ride of by setting 2 SEMSETS (it's not easy for us to change kernel parameter as we don't have permanent root access). I'm in a process now to get more memory (16Gb) but I'm wondering if anyone has already faced something similar. Most of forum references are either related to kernel setting and/or memory but with almost no activity on the database I'm surprised to get crash. Is there anything in 11.7.2 features which require more memory ?? It might well be we shall be close to some OS limits earlier but we've been running several test dbs and much more batch processes with 11.6.3 on same server (same config) without any problems earlier. Denis

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