[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Ultragrid Batching/sorting...

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Fernando Souza

So the question is really about the db query to populate the temp-table. There is no way to do that at the db query since the data is generated by your code and we would need to know the data for all records before you would sort them. You would have to populate the temp-table (let's called it ttCache) with all records and then run the query on ttCache to get the sorting you want. But then you would need to somehow cache that ttCache temp-table. Just throwing this out there - You could actually have that ttCache temp-table be the data-source for your dataset. The ttCache table possibly just needs to have the calculated fields and the key to find the actual record in the db so you don't duplicate the records in both temp-tables. That would require more coding on your part, and the data would be out-of-date at some point - all things to consider.

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