[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Seriously Slow Pas...

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Matt Baker

Use 11.7.2 if possible. There were changes made to reduce a lot of the calls to tcman from adminserver. Still not perfect but better. Most of the problem is compiling the tcmanager.ps1 script. It has to be compiled each time it is run, and it gets run a lot. If you are desperate you can compile tcmanager.ps1 and tweak the tcman script to call the .exe instead of the shell script. We showed performance of about >90% and very little CPU usage. Other thing we ran into recently is that if nslookup does not resolve quickly it can become a bottleneck as well. It is used a lot in a few places (especially tcman create). Or switch to linux. The tcman shell scripts is much faster.

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