[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Pro2: Data In The Ms Sql...

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Keith Sudbury

That script is just adding up the lengths of the returned data and not what is actually stored in the DB. So still not exactly comparing apples to apples yet. The first step is to get the data types set up correctly... that means VARCHAR or NVARCHAR depending on your codepage needs. Using CHAR is just asking for space to be wasted. There are some rare edge cases on very large tables where CHAR can make sense... but unless you have a table with a few hundred million records it isn't worth talking about. Why the Pro2 team made this statement I have no idea. My utilities existed before Pro2 was commercially available but they are basically the same concept... use replication triggers to track changes and the dataserver to insert/update/delete the target database as needed.

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