[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: OpenEdge 12.2 ADE Source Code

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Peter Judge

Marian, The OpenEdge.Core.pl library is on the default propath, so everyone has access to it. Chad Thomson has done a couple of presentations on using its content at PUGs ( http://pugchallenge.org/downloads2019/296_EverydayOOP.pdf and http://pugchallenge.org/downloads2017/277_EveryDayOOP.pptx among others). There's also a OpenEdge.Net PL that uses the Core.pl , and which is used in the HTTP client and the WebHandlers we ship, including the abstract WebHandler many people use as a base. There's also API doc on these classes at documentation.progress.com/.../ that may be useful. As to your "hosted on Git" question, noted. We are internally moving to using Git and a more modern toolchain, and who knows what the future could bring. In the interim, if you find bugs or unexpected behaviours, please log them with TS.

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