[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: <executionproperties>...

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Jan Krishnamurthy

Hello Archana, ExecutionProperties are used when you want to override a property per execution If you do not want to override the property per execution, the ExecutionProperties can be removed from the WSDL If you desire to use them , you can control the response obtained from a decision service for every execution Name PROPERTY_EXECUTION_RESTRICT_RULEMESSAGES_INFO Value: "true/false"; Name:pROPERTY_EXECUTION_RESTRICT_RULEMESSAGES_WARNING Value: "true/false"; Name:pROPERTY_EXECUTION_RESTRICT_RULEMESSAGES_VIOLATION Value: "true/false"; Name:pROPERTY_EXECUTION_RESTRICT_RESPONSE_TO_RULEMESSAGES_ONLY Value: "true/false"; Name:pROPERTY_EXECUTION_LOCALE Value: "fr-FR " or "jp-JP" etc Name: PROPERTY_EXECUTION_TIMEZONE Value:"America/Chicago" etc Some of these properties can be controlled at the decision service level via the cdd instead of controlling it for each execution. documentation.progress.com/.../ documentation.progress.com/.../ - Jan

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